
Novel Studies in Diabetes & Obesity to Eliminate Disparities:
Team Science Across the Translational Continuum
The Center for Diabetes Translation Research, in collaboration with multiple Washington University research centers, is soliciting applications for a special funding opportunity

The major objective of this rapid funding mechanism is to stimulate transdisciplinary team research to advance novel approaches in the prevention and treatment of diabetes/obesity with the goal of eliminating disparities. Eligible teams must represent two different stages of the translation continuum. 
Awards will provide up to $60,000 direct costs, per year, for one or two years. Full applications are due by 5:00 pm (CT) on April 20, 2020. Learn more

We strongly encourage potential applicants to seek feedback on their ideas and attend an information session on March 23, 11:00 am-1:00 pm (CT).
RSVP to Information Session
Co-sponsored by the Washington University Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC), Diabetes Research Center (DRC), Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS), and Institute for Public Health (IPH).
Recent Grant Awards
Drs. Haire-Joshu and Brownson receive R25 award

Congratulations to Drs. Debra Haire-Joshu, CDTR Director, and Ross Brownson, CDTR Associate Director, who were awarded an R25 by the National Institutes of Health Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences (OBSSR) and Office of Disease Prevention (ODP). The innovative mentored training program, dubbed the Institute for Implementation Science Scholars (IS-2), will be administered by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

IS-2 is designed for early- to mid-career researchers interested in applying dissemination and implementation research to proven behavioral and social science research to eliminate chronic disease disparities. Scholars will be enrolled for 2 years and attend an annual 5-day summer course followed by ongoing mentorship with IS-2 faculty.

Dr. Melissa Lewis receives K01 award

Congratulations to Dr. Melissa Lewis, who was recently awarded a K01 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute for her project: "Adaptation and implementation of a Cherokee-based participatory research project to reduce CVD risk." 

The community-based participatory research project is centered in Tahlequah, Oklahoma with the Cherokee Nation and built on a three-year research relationship between the tribe and Dr. Lewis. The goal of the proposed project is to advance the science of community-partnered generation of culturally specific health interventions by promoting the power of cultural learning and cultural revitalization. 

Dr. Lewis is a former CDTR Pilot & Feasibility program awardee for her project "Creation of Indigenous Health Toolkit.”
Recent CDTR Member Publications
An, R., Xiang, X., Xu, N., & Shen, J. (2020). Influence of Grandparental Child Care on Childhood Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Childhood Obesity.

Kepper, M. M., Staiano, A. E., Katzmarzyk, P. T., Reis, R. S., Eyler, A. A., Griffith, D. M., ... & Broyles, S. T. (2020). Using mixed methods to understand women's parenting practices related to their child's outdoor play and physical activity among families living in diverse neighborhood environments. Health & Place, 102292.

Patil, S. J., Wareg, N. K., Hodges, K. L., Smith, J. B., Kaiser, M. S., & LeFevre, M. L. (2020). Home Blood Pressure Monitoring in Cases of Clinical Uncertainty to Differentiate Appropriate Inaction From Therapeutic Inertia. The Annals of Family Medicine18(1), 50-58.

Luecking, C. T., Mazzucca, S., Vaughn, A. E., & Ward, D. S. (2019). Contributions of Early Care and Education Programs to Diet Quality in Children Aged 3 to 4 Years in Central North Carolina. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

If your work has been supported by the CDTR, please cite in your publications and posters:
Upcoming Events
Special RFA Information Session
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, March 23rd, 2020
Taylor Avenue Building, Doll & Hill Room
Washington University School of Medicine

NCAI Policy Research Center: 15th Annual Tribal Leader Scholar Forum 
June 7-11, 2020
Anchorage, AK

American Diabetes Association: 80th Scientific Sessions
June 12-16, 2020
McCormick Place Convention Center, Chicago, IL
Late Breaking Abstact Submissions open until March 16, 2020, 5pm E.T.

& Funding Announcements
WUSTL Clinical Research Training Center: KL2 Career Development Awards (Application due March 3)

Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute: D&I Science Certificate (Application due March 15)

NIDDK: Treating Diabetes Distress to Improve Glycemic Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes  (LOI due February 26; Application due March 26)

For more funding opportunities click here.
About the CDTR
The CDTR is committed to supporting researchers working to advance diabetes translation research. CDTR Cores offer a range of support and services around the following: 
  • Dissemination and Implemention in Diabetes Research
  • Health Communication and Health Literacy
  • Health Informatics in Diabetes Research
  • Policy and Systems Science Analysis
  • Research Partnerships with American Indian/Alaska Native Communities 
  • Solutions to Diabetes in Black Americans 
Contact to access core services. 
Do you have something you would like featured in the next newsletter? Let us know!

Publications supported by CDTR should include this statement when submitted for publication:
"This publication was made possible by Grant Number P30DK092950 from the NIDDK."

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