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A New Revolution

After six months of training, Michael and a team of Guatemalan missionaries traveled to the island nation of Cuba where they taught in a Bible school, launched a children's ministry, and reached out with local pastors to share Christ with local families. Click here to see the video the video about what happened on the trip. Please pray for these Cuban students and new plans for training more leaders to expand Bible training there later this year. 

Creativity Brings People Together

We used art to bring kids closer to Christ with projects focused on the week of Creation.  For the last seven weeks we had the opportunity to team up with Authenikos, an organization that sends art teams to Guatemala. We have been working with an intern artist who taught our DiscipleTec Art class. We held an exhibition and reception for the kids and their families on the final day of the art class yesterday. See more photos here. 

Remember Rosa?

Rosa is a young lady we helped by arranging surgery for her severely twisted foot. At the time she was 11 years old, but that was eight years ago when we first shared her story and a group of Kansas school children helped raise the funds for her surgery. When we recently visited her family at their home (photo above), Rosa wasn't there because she was working. Later Michael got to chat with Rosa (See her picture here.). Now nearly 19 years old, Rosa cleans for a restaurant and has a joyful personality. Often, Michael sees her waving and smiling when he passes by her work. During our visit we were able to encourage Rosa's family to stay connected with Christ and their local church.

Prayers and Safety

Please pray for safety and protection... on a family level our almost-four-year-old son, Haim (above) is pretty adventurous plus he is learning to ride a bike. That hasn't been the best combination for him. In February, Haim had to visit the local health center (Twice in eight days!) to get a total of seven stitches on his lip and chin in separate crashes. We're taking steps to reduce injuries, but your prayers for safety for these adventurous kids is appreciated!
On a local level, there have been an increase of extortions and we've heard numerous reports of robberies on public transportation. We haven't experienced any threats ourselves, but we ask for prayer not just for us, but especially for those who are doing these things. Young Guatemalans are under a lot of influences from, bad friends, gangs, choices, and lack of opportunities for work. They need the transformation and hope found in Christ.  

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