
“We ... need to revel in our role and responsibility as storytellers, strategists, philanthropists, and social justice leaders [and faith communities!] to create stories that provide an alternative to the belief in white, male superiority. We need to take on, challenge, and rewrite the stories of who is an American, what that means, and what our future society should look like.” 

-- Eric K. Ward, Executive Director, Western States Center, in
 "As White Supremacy Falls Down, White Nationalism Stands Up." 

Dear friends,

We are excited to announce a new initiative in partnership with our colleagues at the Western States Center. Together, we are piloting a Spring 2020 Cohort on Building an Interfaith Community to Counter White Nationalism. 

Over the course of three months (March - May), we will bring together leaders from diverse faith communities across the state for shared learning, relationship-building, and action. We’ll accompany each other as we learn about the white nationalist movement and explore how countering this growing movement is inextricably linked to advancing immigrant justice. We'll develop and practice skills for talking with our communities, neighbors and lawmakers about our shared vision of a diverse, vibrant and inclusive nation. And we'll discern together opportunities for further action. 

At the heart of our work will be the relationships among us, the association of trust and fellowship we nurture, and the expansion of those connections through each of our communities. For we know that ultimately, the more that marginalized and vulnerable communities, and communities who are in solidarity with them, are connected, the less power white nationalism yields.
Learn more here.
Registration is open now through March 16th.

This is critical - and life-giving! - work. We hope you will join us. 

In solidarity, 
IMIrJ in partnership with Western States Center
Download this one-pager for Cohort details
and to share with others in your community!
Spring 2020 Cohort: 
Building an Interfaith Community to
Counter White Nationalism

Register Today
Western States Center's Eric Ward on white nationalism -
what it is and what it will take to successfully counter it. 
Copyright © 2020 Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice, All rights reserved.
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