LINDA: Cell: 083 225 9886, NAFISA: 062 573 4975, OFFICE: 087 802 6132


Welcome, already!, to the second month of the year, the month of LOVE.  Yes, yes everyone is climbing on the band wagon to promote a product, a service, an idea using Valentine’s month as a handle.  But why not?  Love is what makes the world go ‘round, it’s what makes us feel good and kind and happy, makes pretty good sense to me.
Let’s take each weekend of this month and dedicate it to a specific subject of love.  How about this first weekend we dedicate to Self-Love?  Let’s take the opportunity to really spoil ourselves, to shower ourselves with love and appreciation for all we expect from ourselves.
We are disciplined, about exercise, eating right, working hard, being of service to family, friends and community.  Well done, acknowledge all what that represents, take credit and be grateful for your efforts, reward yourself in some way this weekend.
Decide to do the same thing each day or something different, make half an hour a day available to do something luxuriously spoiling, to some that could be just be half an hour to sit quietly and read, pray or meditate.  Go for a walk, not for exercise but to look around at the beautiful world around you, the foliage, the birds, the brightly sunlit sky.  Prepare a special meal of all the things you really like and take time to really savour it.
Enjoy this first weekend of February and I honestly hope you take me up on this “challenge” it should be easy, it’s just, WILL YOU?
Lots of LOVE to you all from the LINTON TEAM

LINDA: Cell: 083 225 9886, NAFISA: 062 573 4975, OFFICE: 087 802 6132
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