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Exciting Update for Floxed!

Dear <<First Name>>,

You guys are the best supporters ever, seriously. We've received too many emails to count offering help with our film and many have helped us in whatever capacity they can. Thank you for that.

Now that we're into the start of our third year in production, we're looking into getting more funding. You guys know that we've applied to a handful of grants, any that we are eligible for, and that we're working with people in the media to get the word out.

Unfortunately, we just received our second grant rejection. It's sometimes hard to receive rejections because it's easy to take it personally. Negative thoughts can run through your head, similar to:

What did we do wrong?
Is our film any good?
Do people care about our project?
Are we good enough?


Thankfully, it's easy for me to see the value in this project. 'Floxed' is very personal for me, since I'm taking the worst experience of my life, all that I've learned from it, and creating a feature film out of it. The floxie community is so strong and so incredible. I've formed bonds with people I would have never met otherwise. I have nothing in common with most of them other than this and that's okay. It's almost like we're family.

There's a second purpose to this film that's even greater than myself and that's GETTING THE WORD OUT. Fluoroquinolone Toxicity is a public health issue and from all the books and studies I've read, it's a HUGE one. It's global! From people getting floxed in every continent to fluoroquinolones found in all major water systems, from antibiotic resistance, common gaslighting from the medical community, and so forth. People don't have informed consent regarding what they're taking and doctors don't even fully know as much about the drug as they should considering not all studies are published. We want to bring massive awareness to all of that.

This is BIG, so it's VERY IMPORTANT.

However, we do need more funds to finish Floxed. It's for a very exciting special reason that I can't tell you about yet, but also for a few extra shoots: 

We need funds to fly to the Carolinas to shoot Rachel Brummert of the famed "Frankenwoman" Drugwatch article (who is also an incredibly smart activist who works for the FDA, if you didn't know). We're also heading to Florida in Late March to shoot Dr. Neal Millar, a tendinopathy expert based in Glasgow who will speak on FQT at an orthopaedic surgeon conference. He was present at the EMA hearing recently.

This costs time, money for flights, rental cars, and money to pay crew members (because they need to eat and pay their rent, too). We want this film to be good quality, so we're no longer doing single-person camera crews (a la me, shooting everything to save money). This is a big deal and we need to respect that.


So we will be launching our first ever Kickstarter soon!!!

We don't have a date yet, but when we do, you will all be the first to know.

We have perks, of course, including a live Q&A with the filmmakers/subjects (incl. me, Claire (producer), Rachel, and Dr. Ghalili so far - likely Lisa Bloomquist and some others as well). We have special floxie perks for sharing your picture and story across our social channels. PLEASE let us know if you would like us to offer anything specific. Please tell us what you want to see as a reward.

I know that many floxies are struggling with money, especially if you've just been floxed, so we have a lot of low-level tier rewards. Believe it or not, if everyone on this email list alone gave us $20, we would be over our goal!

In addition, if you want to help out with the campaign at all, regarding sending emails, pasting posters all over your city, contacting your local radio/news stations about us, etc, please let us know. We do need a lot of help with this.

More to come regarding the Kickstarter, but for now, enjoy your weekend and thank you so much for supporting us this far.


Michelle Polacinski
Floxie, Director, and Producer of 'Floxed'

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