Parinama Academy’s Salesforce admin+ lightening developer Placement oriented course is ready to roll !!

Do just SFDC admin course or admin + Lightning developer

Our first workshop to launch Parinama Academy Sales force training - ‘May the force be with you ‘ course is scheduled for next Saturday Feb 15 at 10 am at Kenai location

We will have course overview by the instructor followed by ‘ A day in life or SFDC professional’ by Uma . We will have a Austin placement opportunities presentation at the end .

Contact 5126867824 or email

Our website

When will the course start ?- depends on what you know.The course starts on Mar 23 for new batch - Fresh start newbies to SFDC . Job seekers may join Feb 24 batch for the Lightning developer if they do already know SFDC admin module.

$25 workshop fee will be credited to your account if you choose to join or refunded if you decide not to join our course 

Spring break camp

This spring break kids will learn public speaking, coding , creative writing or chess in our 4 hour camps .

You can also sign up for immersion classes for Middle school SAT or Math prep , Math bee or spelling bee. Limited slots .

Book at

Morning Camp -
Afternoon Camp -

camps start at 8 am and end by 12 pm . afternoon camps starts at 1 and ends at 5. You can book both camps and make it full day camps if you prefer . Summer camp early bird registration is also now open at
Take a deep breath

Feb 15 from 2-3 pm Free yoga class for adults 

Register at

Enthusiasm, Smile and Success 

All of us have a list things which we know is great to do but fail to do it because of lack of time, lack of energy or lack of sustainable enthusiasm required to start and complete our projects.

Wouldn't it be a good to have some practices which charges our system with energy to be able to accomplice more and yet feel more relaxed and rejuvenated and inspired. 

Please join a session filled with breath work, wisdom and meditation to recharge yourself with energy to expand our capabilities and move with a smile in life.
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