

How is it February already? January usually lasts much longer than a single month. I'm glad February is here, though. The countdown to the end of winter is officially on and I'm already planning where I'll hike in the spring. With luck and a little help from the universe, I'll be at Lake Mead in early April. It's one of my favorite places in the world and I plan to walk a lot, soak up some long-overdue sunshine, and look for the spring flowers that only grow in the desert. 

What are your plans for spring? Or are you looking forward to fall? I've fixed the email problem I had last month (I'm so sorry about that!), so hit reply and tell me all about it. I always look forward to the replies I get to my newsletters. <3


The Who Dunnit Mystery campaign on BookFunnel was a huge success! As a group, we gave away over 5000 books. 400 of them were copies of Uncommon Ground. If you're looking for the sequel, Purple Haze is available at all online retailers.

I sent out a welcome note last week. In case you missed it, here's another opportunity to download the story I give out free to all new subscribers!

At forty-five, Jared Tailler suddenly feels old. When his employer grounds him, he starts thinking in terms of measuring his coffin. Well, not quite, but he’s creakier and hairier than he was ten years ago, and his closest relationship is the one he has with his frequent-flyer card.

On the first day of a five-day hiking trip, he meets Finley Macrae, a younger, seemingly brighter man. As they inch together in halting steps, Jared learns he’s not the only one lost out in the blue—Fin’s good cheer hides a turbulence deeper than Jared’s midlife crisis. Maybe together they can find the trail to happiness.



The book I've been writing FOREVER is nearly done! I'm at 75,000 words with just the heartbreak scene, the making decisions scenes, the grand gesture and denouement scenes, and a final happy ever after scene to go! These are always among the hardest to write, but also the most fulfilling in that they should bring together all the elements I've laid down throughout the book. 

No word yet on when this might be published. I've still got a long way to go. I have to revise this draft, send it out to my betas, revise it again, and then send it to my editors to see what they think of it all. I've also been steadily plotting the sequel to To See the Sun over the past month and I'm nearly ready to start writing that too. Hopefully, I'll have news about two new books very soon.

In the meantime, you can read about The Long and Winding Road on my blog!


Despite the fact I've failed every reading challenge* I've ever joined, I've decided to do another one this year. In addition to the challenge book, I also read some pretty great memoirs in January. Check out the recommendations on my blog!

*I do well with the Goodreads challenges because you only have to count books. Picking books to read, though? We'll see how this one turns out.


Alice Archer and Skylar Cates both have books out this month! Alice's are rereleases of former Dreamspinner titles and she's offering one of them (Executive Decision) free to new newsletter subscribers! Skylar's new book is a part of her Shelby Beach series. I read a super early copy of this and loved it!


Get the books!

If you woo, win, and walk away, a second chance is going to cost you.
Everyday History

Dar loved his career... until he did his job too well.
Executive Decision 

What if the right person could change everything?
Testing the Waters 

Want to win one of these books? If you're reading this, you're entered. Click on the links above for another chance at each title. Three winners will be chosen, one book per winner in ebook format of your choice. No exchanges, no cash value, open internationally!


And, because it's February, I'm giving away three copies of my Valentine's novella When Was the Last Time. It's another story where I try to ruin the occasion - it's a thing I do, okay? - but there is a happy ever after and this one is pretty sweet. 


Click to Enter

Fine print: One entry per subscriber, contest open internationally, no cash value. Ebooks will be emailed to the winners on February 14th, in the format of their choice!


That's all I have for you this month! If you'd like to chat before my next newsletter rolls around, look for me on social media. 


Until then, happy reading!


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BUILDING FOREVER will be leaving Kindle Unlimited at the end of the month! Don't miss out!
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