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In Revelation 13, we find prophecies concerning a coming one world ruler, one world government, one world religion, and one world currency. While these things are yet to come, they seem plausible right now. With each new world crisis, we’re moving toward these four realities as individual rights and liberties erode. 

But we aren’t looking for these signs or waiting for the beast (the antichrist). We are looking and waiting for Jesus Christ! He is on the throne and nothing can thwart His plan or His return. While we look up and wait for His glorious appearing, we need to look around and invite others into the same spiritual security we enjoy through a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

Listen to our study of Revelation 13 as we unpack these four prophecies and provide the answer to the question, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” (Revelation 13:4).

Then read ahead in Revelation 14 and join us next Sunday at 10am in the Regency Ballroom.

As a fellowship, we are called to love and serve one another by the grace God has given to us. There are many opportunities to serve at Calvary Chapel Saint Cloud. Are you interested? To get started, please fill out our online ministry questionnaire and we'll connect with you.
Stop by our bookstore in our 2nd floor office after service on Sunday to browse the great selection of resources. From Bibles and reference books to devotionals and children’s books, there’s something for everyone. All the books are at or below retail and all the Bibles are at or below cost. Suggested donations are on the back of each resource—donations above cost go to support world missions.

Browse the shelves after service on Sunday and set aside some time to enjoy the quiet pleasure of reading a good book!

Be Encouraged

We know that we do not live on bread alone, “but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). We need God’s Word to give us spiritual nourishment so that we have the spiritual strength to discern lies from the truth. So that begs the question…do you have an appetite for God’s Word? 

Think about a well-balanced and healthy meal. You know it is good for you—it will give you the strength to make it through the day. But how hungry would you be for healthy food if you had four candy bars right before sitting down to eat? Although good and healthy food is before you, you would have no desire for it.

Do you crave God’s Word like good and healthy food? If you don’t, could it be that you’re stuffed full with what the world is offering you, but isn’t good for you? When you become a believer, you are given a new nature. Your old nature and your new nature constantly war against each other. They fight like dogs all the time. The one that you feed will win. The one that you starve will lose. 

Take a look at your life. Consider your decisions. Think about your spiritual diet. Ask yourself daily, “am I feeding the flesh? Is that why I have no appetite for God’s Word?” It’s time to refrain from the things that feed your flesh and commit to feeding upon God’s Word. 

So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.
–Galatians 5:16

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