What happens in Vegas can't stay in Vegas—when it comes to voting—because early voting starts this Saturday in Los Angeles, too! In honor of this past Presidents’ Day holiday, I want to quote Barack Obama: “Don’t boo—vote.” I ran for School Board to give all students the chance to succeed, no matter what zip code they come from or how much money their family has. One way to expand opportunities for all kids is to expand civic engagement and make it easier for people to take part in the democratic process. That’s why LAUSD has partnered with the state, county, and city of Los Angeles to hold voter registration drives, educate folks on different ways to get involved in civic efforts, and set up new, multi-day voting centers at some of our schools. Elections matter—and your voice matters, too.

Highlights from the Board room to the classroom
I am grateful that this settlement takes a step in the right direction and amplifies our call on Sacramento to take the lead and drive us towards a future where every child is entitled to the skills necessary to thrive in our society. We cannot tolerate a system in which the majority of low-income students in Los Angeles are not meeting standards in English language arts, and we owe it to our kids to fight for their right to a high-quality education and work toward a future where the fight for this basic right is no longer necessary. 

We officially cut the ribbon on two new LAUSD parent centers at Vine Street Elementary School and Westside Global Awareness Magnet—helping to ensure our families feel welcome and empowered to engage in their child’s education!

I had the chance to tour the construction progress at the Kentwood Early Ed Center—which my office advocated to reopen after we heard from the Kentwood Elementary School community that red tape had left the site shuttered. And we are pleased to say that the EEC should be up and running later this spring!
In the community: school visits and student (and parent!) events
In addition to Vine St, Westside Global, and Kentwood EEC, it was great to visit Hancock Park ES, Cheremoya ES, STEM Academy, Bernstein HS, and speak at the African American Parent Engagement Summit at Taft High! I was also thrilled to congratulate our talented ACADECA students participating at Hollywood High and cheer on some of our BD4 competitors at the Primetime Sports soccer championship!
School Spotlight: Rosewood ES innovates classroom seating
Last year, through our office's bond grant program, we were able to help Rosewood Elementary fund "adaptive seating" for their students to learn in a more innovative and less restrictive classroom environment. It was great to check out the results during a recent visit—even if I am a bit taller than the intended consumer—as well as observing a mindfulness class to encourage students' positive mental health practices. Overall, Rosewood is showing us the benefits of innovation to create a 21st century learning environment for our kids! 
LA Unified Updates and Save the Dates
Check out School Information+ — our latest platform to understand how schools are performing and use transparent data to drive continuous improvement!
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Office of LAUSD Board Member Nick Melvoin · 333 S. Beaudry Avenue · 24th Floor · Los Angeles, CA 90017 · USA