Upcoming works
- Following the completion of topographic surveys and ground investigation works in Severnside - Area 1 and Chittening Warth – Area 3, design teams will concentrate on the detailed design of the works in these areas.
- Over the next few months, we will begin Ground Investigation works in Lamplighters Marsh and in the Bristol Port Company Avonmouth Docks land - Area 2. Ecological and environmental mitigation works will continue throughout the site.
- We will also continue with bat surveys in Severnside - Area 1 and continue with badger surveys in Avonmouth Docks - Area 2, and will also be starting badger surveys and bat surveys in Hallen Marsh - Area 4, Great Crested Newts (GCN) surveys will be carried out at the large pond adjacent to Stuppill Rhine – Area 2.