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A Summer of Plenty

A new crisp in the morning air and earlier fading light here in New Zealand are proof that the seasons are turning again. What an incredible summer of retreats and practice the Wangapeka has seen. In this edition of Newsphere you can enjoy some of the bounty through beautiful reflections from retreatants and community members

News of Leander

As many people know, our beloved teacher Leander Kane underwent open heart surgery in Hamilton last week. Her surgery was very successful and she is recovering well. Here is the latest post from Dawa Rowley (Thursday 27th Feb)


Our beloved Leander is healing well, starting to talk and eat, and even took a few steps with a walker this morning (Thursday).

Catrin visited briefly today and says that, despite the exhaustion, Leander seems radiant and full of love for life, and she could be home as soon as Saturday.

Participants on her recent retreat wrote a beautiful poem in her honour. After Leander was taken to hospital during her Open-Heartedness and Clear Seeing Retreat, they carried on together sharing the spirit and practice of Leander's inspiring work.
Read here to read "The Heart of Awakening Flowering Forth"

Poised in the Present
Weekend Reviews

Expertly crafted by the 2020 Year of Clear Vision Team along with special guest Rob McGowan, one of the foremost authorities on rongoā Māori,
35 + people gathered for an incredible weekend that continues to flow and unfold in unexpected and delightful ways. Many voices were heard within nourishing sharing circles and a very deep connection to the land was quickly established as we walked the whenua together. Rob introduced us to several medicinal plants which were then prepared in the Wangapeka
kitchen and shared with all who were present. Unexpectedly delicious!
The Wangapeka community was gifted the story of Tiwaiwaka - in essence: healing the spirit of the land and the much needed reminder of mahi tahi - working as one. 

- Diane Johnstone

Read here for more reflections on the weekend from several participants

2020 Hui - Continuing the Conversation

By all reports the conversations and contemplations sparked during the Poised in the Present Weekend need much more time and space to deepen into and circle around. There is much that we as a community need to consider going forth into this changeable world of ours, and many complex areas to explore. The 2020 Hui is a chance to deepen the conversation. 

Our annual Hui and AGM are scheduled for the weekend of July 25th and 26th. At present there is no Hui team for 2020. Would you like to be involved in some way? Would you like to help craft this wonderful opportunity for community sharing? Do you feel moved to be part of a team of facilitators? Anyone in the community is welcome to come forward and offer their skills, gifts and interest to this. 
Please contact to express your interest 

Power Up The Wangapeka - February Update

Our fundraising campaign stands at $38,448!

We've had $8,940 donated via Wangapeka givealittle and $29,508 via direct donations.

Thank You to the 49 donors who have gotten us this far.

We're closing in our goal of $50,000.
You can donate on our, or directly to the Centre like you do with retreats.

One More Thing - We've just made a video that addresses the question -- "What does the implementation look like?"
Preview of Power Upgrade Implementation

Kumanu Wangapeka 

Read here for the February summary of BOT meetings, including new Fire Evacuation Plans for the Centre, and a new BOT member coming on board at July AGM. More BOT members are needed! Please consider becoming a Board member at this year's AGM and offer your service and presence to this vital area of caring for Wangapeka. 

Foundations of Mindfulness

by Andy McIntosh

This book is an invitation to those with knowledge of Buddhism, and also those with no experience of Buddhism at all, to delve into the Buddha’s original wise words.  Tarchin’s guidance skillfully encourages us to take our understandings into an exploration of our own experiences, in every moment, in our body, in the world and life we are living.  This brings us closer to a deeper embodiment, peace, engagement and awe of the universe around and through us that is ultimately beyond any single religion or philosophy.  It leads us into aspects of our human experience, that when probed deeply, can lead us to awakening, love and clear seeing. 

Read here for the full review.

All of Space is Pervaded with Love

by Elli Yates

Closer to the ground than I’d expected and burrowed deep in the trunk of the body, the heart centre was revealed to me slowly over the course of the two week Boundless Embrace retreat with Bonni Ross. Beginning to work with this space was challenging for me at first; the words ‘strained’ and ‘constricted’ came up. It turns out I was more tightly closed than I thought. Who knew? And that was the first gift of Boundless Embrace: beginner’s mind.

Read here for the full reflection piece 
The Future is in Good Hands!
Precious Moments from the Garden of Mindfulness 

2020 Programme

5th Annual Dzogchen Retreat at the Wangapeka

with Lama Mark Webber, 18 March – 6 April 2020
The major theme for this year’s Dzogchen retreat is the meditation on Dorje Drolö, the most secret syllable HUM practice from the Chos Gonpo Yangzab, the Drikung Dzogchen lineage of ‘Completely Profound Enlightened Intent’. Read more.

Energy Rides the Winds

with Bonni Ross, 10 April – 12 May 2020
The simplest, most basic meditation practice that was taught by the Buddha is also one of the most potent. Ānāpānasati—Mindfulness of Breathing– deepens calm, transforms negative patterning, loosens the body and brings clarity and harmony to the mind. Read more.

Life as It Is (2020)

A Family Friendly Community Retreat

15 – 17 May 2020

A community practice weekend for everyone. All ages, family and community welcome.

Come and join us for a warm community weekend of mindful practice and exploration where we will explore together how we grow a sense of support, connectedness, curiosity and kindness no matter what is happening in our lives- at work, at school or at home.

Read more.

Growing Joy

An Integrative Meditation and Open Floor Dance Retreat

with Jaime Howell and Juliana Griese, 20 – 24 May 2020
Buddha speaks of an emptiness born of love and clear seeing.
Rumi tells tales of beloved belonging.
We will weave both through movement, meditation and community.
Read more.

Angel Magick

Western Mysticism for the Contemporary World

with Mira Riddiford, 5 – 12 June 2020
This universalist meditation retreat on Angels is based on a series of symbolic, ancient mystery teachings, helping people live better, more purposeful lives. Read more.

Chenrezig Meditation Retreat

with Mark Schrader, 31 July – 4 August 2020
This is an experiential meditation course that focuses on developing compassion for both oneself and for others. Both beginners and those wishing to deepen their practice are welcome to attend. Read more.

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