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Written by @ameliezilber // @twominutetimes
Political & International Update

Knocking Down the House of Cards

More than 2,000 former prosecutors and officials who served in both Republican and Democratic administrations signed an open letter condemning the president and the attorney general over the Stone case.

Roger Stone, who was convicted of obstructing a congressional inquiry, was recommended a prison sentence of up to nine years. Stone, who’s super close with Trump, lashed out, and Barr – the current attorney general – overrode the recommendation by providing a much more lenient one. 

Why is this bad?
Well, it can easily be considered political interference. When the consequences of criminal activity are curtailed to favor those in the President’s back corner, the Department of Justice is no longer ensuring equal justice under the law.

War Comes to Home

The Trump admin. has decided to deploy troops to sanctuary cities in an aggressive move intended to arrest migrants. Agents under Customs and Border Protection will be sent to major cities (think: LA, Chicago, NY, Boston, etc.) that have refused to participate in Trump’s far-reaching immigration laws.

What will this do?
These agents, called BORTAC agents, are the equivalent of SWAT teams – in effect, they’ll be helping ICE officers make arrests. Generally, these militarized units are deployed in hostage situations and other dangerous circumstances, though, in this case, they’ll be sent to American neighborhoods. 

The consequence?
Entire migrant communities will be invaded, terrifying dozens. The image above is a famous photo of a BORTAC agent grabbing Elian Gonzalez. 

Is this the America you want to live in?

Ravaged By War

800,000 people, 60% of whom are children, have fled Syria in the past three months, in what is now the largest displacement of people since the conflict began nine years ago. 

The president of Syria, President Bashar al-Assad, has been sending thousands of forces to Idlib, the city closest to the Turkish border, to battle Turkish soldiers residing there. 
Turkish soldiers were deployed there, originally, because Idlib became somewhat of a buffer zone, where no fighting was supposed to take place. 

Recently, however, the fighting has escalated tremendously since Turkey and Russia (yes, the Russians are involved because they support Assad), have failed to agree on a new cease-fire. 
Because Turkish soldiers are now dying at the hands of Syrian fighters, the president of Turkey, President Erdogan, has threatened even more violence should another soldier be killed.
According to Erdogan, Russia and Assad’s forces have been directly targeting civilians, where now 200 have died – 84 of whom include children. And in just the past two days, 20,000 have fled their homes in Idlib to escape bombing by the Syrian government. 

When will this end?
There seems to be no optimistic end in sight, unfortunately. Despite the horrific humanitarian crisis that now exists in Idlib, there is no sign of the violence abating as Assad, with Russia’s help, is once again trying to take back control of all Syrian territory. 
Russia’s role, in the past, has been as a deal broker or arbitrator, but this time they’ve been absent in stopping the violence. The Russians are trying to let the Assad regime take as much of Idlib as possible before they come in as the firefighters… aka, knowing they have Assad on their side, the Russians are looking to become the new dominant force in the Middle East, and if Assad has all of Syria, Russia has one of the most powerful Middle Eastern nations on its side. 

Given the sheer number of deaths and displacement, the US should be ashamed of its silence. 

Saying Bye-Bye to Healthcare
When 18,000 people lost Medicaid coverage in Arkansas due to a Trump admin. approval of Medicaid work requirements, the US Court of Appeals struck it down.

Here's the gist,
Trump issued proposals that would impose work requirements in Medicaid as a condition of eligibility. This means that thousands who don’t fit specific work requirements cannot access Medicaid.
However, according to the court, the proposals failed to address how the program would promote the objective of Medicaid as defined under federal law: providing health coverage to the poor. 

So basically, don’t get sick, don’t get old, don’t get poor. 
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