
So, I left facebook...

Hello esteemed persons :D

Happy new decade!!
It is strange writing one way news letters, but as always, I hope you are all thriving! It's good to be alive!

I left facebook last year. Thank you to those of you who want to catch my emails! It's good fun :) It feels more special, at least to me; like writing a physical letter to a friend.
I left it for a few reasons - I like to have as few forms of media to worry about as possible, I don't like the aggressive nature of opinion control that is so prevalent on social media, nor the personal data theft (though I understand that's very hard to avoid these days); another thing is keeping up with the changing popularity of platforms.

I've been at home on Lewis since the end of November and until now have mostly been ill. Absolutely ridiculous but there it is. My skin became horrible to be in. That was the main symptom. I'll spare you the gory details. Now on the mend and I praise God. I'm boosting my stomach acid and beginning to be inspired again.

Elsa (sister) and Gary (brother-in-law) were my work buddies for most of last year. I can't thank them enough for their kindnesses and care! We had a good time together, much learning and much laughter. Check them out if you get the chance -
I'll be joining them again for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this year! We are gluttons for punishment.

Expanding my creative energies beyond music is often on my mind and so I've made a start with card design no.1 - Hieland coos. There will be a variety of words, phrases, bible verses added to them.
Cards, Wall Plaques, Jewellery, Bags, Wooden Carvings are some of my aims. 
If you'd like to sample my first forays (commissions negotiable), please get in touch via email or etsy.

Next on the list is my first ALBUM. Whaaaat. Yes... 10 years after jumping into performing, I'd like to release a full length album. This year. Please hold me to it! 
I have a few songs that are forming but I'd like to write as many as possible before choosing the best ones. 
If you have any news, ideas or suggestions of any kind I'd be delighted to hear them! (Not only to do with the album of course) Anyone you know who might also be interested in the wackiness I offer, send them along :)

One last thing that has been tugging at me, for years now, is Christian apologetics. I'd love to either write or record (or both) what I've learned about the subject. Likely interspersed with related cultural topics. As there is nothing new under the sun, I wouldn't be sharing anything unheard of before, just passing on edifying information. I understand that it won't be of interest to some but we all gotta do what we gotta do!

All the best and God bless,
Irenie xx
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