Newsletter: February 
Every time we sit down to write a newsletter it seems like we just sent one out, and then we realize it's been a month (ok, sometimes more...) and so much has happened. We're sure you feel the same way; time is flying, but we don't want to miss what the Lord is trying to show us. We pray February was a month of clarity, direction, peace, or whatever you needed it to be!
The picture above is one of many moments that we've had the opportunity to spend with our Anubon 1 & 2 (Kindergarten age) students. At the beginning of 2020 Paris and I fully took ownership of the planning and execution of this program. We won't lie, it wasn't something we expected to be doing a year into full-time ministry, and honestly it's not one we completely felt qualified or called to.
God knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our needs, when we need his help and when we just need a gentle reminder of who we are and what he's called us to do.
In the picture you can see the kids gathering into a group as we asked them to find the "star". I imagine this is a lot like what the Father is asking of us; "step out and just look, see if you can see what I see, it's there, just follow me and I'll light the way."
Brendan, 18, hails from San Jose, California.  One of the last things he did as a high-schooler was travel to Thailand with 23 of his peers to serve in short-term missions. He is a recording artist with experience in the industry. With Brendan's help we'll provide sound engineering classes, guitar lessons and add one more native English speaker to our list of teachers!
Seeds is in need of funds to continue operating, including rent & utilities, program supplies, transportation and building repairs. We are looking to raise about $20,000 to cover all expenses for 2020. In the coming weeks we will be launching the Seeds 2020 Vision Campaign. Stay tuned for more information and how you can help!
This year we plan to get back into blogging! Newsletters are a great way to share all the highlights of everything happening with our ministry, but they don't quite allow us to dive into what life often looks like and feels like on a daily basis. As we reach deeper for the hard, scary, impossible things we hope that you will dive in with us and receive what we share with open arms.
Thanks for following along our journey!


1. Students - The school year in Thailand is coming to an end, which means exams are happening soon. Please pray for all of our students, but especially our children's home, The Refuge, as they are tested on 4 languages and much more!

2. Seeds Fundraiser - We are launching a campaign to raise funds to continue to serve the youth here in Mae Sot. Please pray for an unprecedented amount of support to flow freely into the bank! If you're interested in giving directly to our ministry click here

3. Studio Project - Many locals have expressed interest in learning more about sound engineering, as well as recording their own music. Pray that our studio is used to glorify God, and that each person who steps into our space is encouraged and reminded of all the gifts God has given them!
If you would like to hear of other ways you can be praying for us and our ministry you can join our Facebook group: The Tribe 

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Thank you so much to all of you for your support and prayers! It means the world to us to have a team of dedicated people on our side.

If you would like to give financially you can click the button below. If you have any questions, want more info, or just want to say hello, you can reply to this email! 
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