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A Note from Tracy:

March has come in like a lamb….and you know what they say about that!  Do we really want to deal with the Lion at the end of the month?  But we are hearty Chicagoans and are conditioned to handle anything, right?  There truly is a certain amount of grit that one gets from living in the urban jungle.  I was discussing this with some of my students the other day.  The extra stamina it takes when you have to park a block away from your home, carrying your groceries up your third-floor walk-up. When you have to dig out a parking spot only to find your neighbor thought it was for her.  The cold wait at the bus or L stop, toughening up your resolve as well as your tender skin.  For some, the dragging of weeks’ worth of laundry either to the apartment building scary basement, or the laundromat down the street.  All of these character builders come from living in the city, and as tough as they may seem at the time, they are really great life lessons. 

We are in a chapter of our lives right now that is asking us to tap into all that grit and learned life lessons that helped to make us strong.  Right now, our world is in a scary place, much like that apartments scary basement laundry.  Our environment is struggling to not collapse, people that aren’t born with wealth and privilege are struggling to make ends meet, our health care professionals are struggling to keep up with the latest threat to our human race, and our fellow sentient beings  are facing increasing discrimination and injustice every day.  And that’s just the beginning of the troubles!  It’s enough to get you really down.  It’s enough to say I just can’t handle it anymore.  It’s enough to make you really angry and turn violent towards those we deem in charge. It’s enough to feel helpless.

But WAIT!   We are tough Chicagoans remember?  And even more importantly, we are tough Yogis, and we know as Yogis that the way to any RE- Evolution is through peace, love, compassion and deep wells of hope.  We know that it is our responsibility to spread our light and love (not the gossip, the vitriol, the hate).  We know that by sharing our gifts of compassion we can change lives (random acts of kindness!).  We know that we are tough enough to handle any struggle, just as we handle the tough yoga poses (side plank anyone?).  We know that by feeding our energy to what we want to prevail it will grow. (Peace, Prosperity, Equality please!)  Yoga teaches us that the more we focus on what’s good in the world, the more of that good we will see, and the more we see, feel, and absorb, the more we create and share.  It’s the ultimate pay it forward in action, and it is a way of life that we can and should all adopt. 

Our closing statement for last month said it well.  “Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world.  All things break.  And all things can be mended.  Not with time as they say, but with intention. So go!  Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.  The broken world waits in the darkness for the light that is you.” ~ L.R Knost 

It’s a tool that each and every one of us has…the ability to set an intention, just as we do in the beginning of each yoga practice.  Let your intention be to spread the light, to be the beacon in the darkness, to shine so brightly that others want not only be in your light but pay it forward to others.  THIS is the way we change the world.  One shinning heart light at a time.  And all that toughness that you’ve acquired through being a Chicagoan, and a Yogi will set you well on your way.   I have seen the light in all of you…and it’s glorious!  There’s no time to waste…so go on….get out there!  Love, live, laugh extravagantly and intentionally and be the light that shines it gloriousness throughout the world.  Just imagine if we all focus on that! Wow! Where’s my sunglasses!


10 Ways You're Making Your Life
Harder Than It Has To Be

Ready to shine your light?  Make sure you get out of your own way!  This article shows how we sabotage ourselves and dim our own light.  Once we learn this about ourselves finding joy and shining our light becomes effortless.

10 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be
Tim Hoch 

1. You ascribe intent.
Another driver cut you off. Your friend never texted you back. Your co-worker went to lunch without you. Everyone can find a reason to be offended on a steady basis. So what caused you to be offended? You assigned bad intent to these otherwise innocuous actions. You took it as a personal affront, a slap in the face. Happy people do not do this. They don’t take things personally. They don’t ascribe intent to the unintentional actions of others.

2. You’re the star of your own movie.
It is little wonder that you believe the world revolves around you. After all, you have been at the very center of every experience you have ever had. You are the star of your own movie. You wrote the script. You know how you want it to unfold. You even know how you want it to end. Unfortunately you forgot to give your script to anyone else. As a result, people are unaware of the role they are supposed to play. Then, when they screw up their lines, or fail to fall in love with you or don’t give you a promotion, your movie is ruined. Lose your script. Let someone else star once in awhile. Welcome new characters. Embrace plot twists.

3. You fast forward to apocalypse.
I have a bad habit of fast-forwarding everything to its worst possible outcome and being pleasantly surprised when the result is marginally better than utter disaster or jail time. My mind unnecessarily wrestles with events that aren’t even remotely likely. My sore throat is cancer. My lost driver’s license fell into the hands of an al-Qaeda operative who will wipe out my savings account. Negativity only breeds more negativity. It is a happiness riptide. It will carry you away from shore and if you don’t swim away from it, will pull you under.

4. You have unrealistic and/or un-communicated expectations.
Among their many shortcomings of your family and friends is the harsh reality that they cannot read your mind or anticipate your whims. Did your boyfriend forget the six and a half month anniversary of your first movie date? Did your girlfriend refuse to call at an appointed hour? Did your friend fail to fawn over your tribal tattoo? Unmet expectations will be at the root of most of your unhappiness in life. Minimize your expectations, maximize your joy.

5. You are stuck waiting for a sign.
I have a friend who won’t make a decision without receiving a “sign.” I suppose she is waiting on a trumpeted announcement from God. She is constantly paralyzed by a divinity that is either heavily obscured or frustratingly tardy. I’m not disavowing that fate or a higher power plays a role in our lives. I’m just saying that it is better to help shape fate than be governed by it.  

6. You don’t take risks.
Two words: Live boldly. Every single time you are offered a choice that involves greater risk, take it. You will lose on many of them but when you add them up at the end of your life you’ll be glad you did.

7. You constantly compare your life to others.
A few years ago I was invited to a nice party at a big warehouse downtown. I was enjoying the smooth jazz, box wine and crustless sandwiches. What more could a guy want? Later in the evening I noticed a steady parade of well-heeled people slide past and disappear into another room. I peeked and saw a large party with beautiful revelers dancing and carrying on like Bacchus. Suddenly my gig wasn’t as fun as it had been all because it didn’t appear to measure up to the party next door- a party I didn’t even know existed until just moments before. I do this frequently. Those people are having more fun. Mary has a bigger boat. Craig gets all the lucky breaks. Ted has more money. John is better looking.  Stop it.  Always remember what Teddy Roosevelt said: “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

8. You let other people steal from you.
If you had a million dollars in cash under your mattress, you would check it regularly and take precautions to insure it is safe. The one possession you have that is more important than money is time. But you don’t do anything to protect it. In fact you willingly give it to thieves. Selfish people, egotistical people, negative people, people who won’t shut up. Treat your time like Fort Knox. Guard it closely and give it only to those who deserve and respect it.

9. You can’t/won’t let go.
These are getting a little harder aren’t they? That’s because sometimes you have to work at happiness. Some hurdles are too difficult to clear by simply adjusting your point of view or adopting a positive mindset. Do you need to forgive someone? Do you need to turn your back on a failed relationship? Do you need to come to terms with the death of a loved one? Life is full of loss. But, in a sense, real happiness would not be possible without it.  It helps us appreciate and savor the things that really matter. It helps us grow. It can help us help others grow. Closure is a word for people who have never really suffered. There’s no such thing. Just try to “manage” your loss. Put it in perspective. You will always have some regret and doubt about your loss. You may always second-guess yourself. If only you had said this, or tried that.  You’re not alone. Find someone who understands and talk to that person. Reach out for support. If all else fails, try #10 below.

10. You don’t give back.
One way to deal with loss is to immerse yourself in doing good. Volunteer. Get involved in life.  It doesn’t even have to be a big, structured thing. Say a kind word. Encourage someone. Pay a visit to someone who is alone. Get away from your self-absorption. When it comes down to it, there are two types of people in this world. There are givers and there are takers. Givers are happy. Takers are miserable. What are you?

Hemp News

Last Saturday Yoga Experience hosted an informative Hemp Chat with Perry Galanopoulus from Fufluns Foods.  We learned much about this dynamic, eco-sustainable, fair-trade local company and the products they offer. There is something for everyone and the products help a myriad of issues.  If you are interested in their products click the link below and receive a 10% discount as a subscriber to Yoga Experience. The link will automatically give you the discount at checkout or you can type in YE10 as well.  Hemp and CBD products are the hottest thing going now, and this company is doing it locally, with the highest quality standards, and the best practices.  Check them out! 

Receive 10% Now!

Student Spotlight: Christa Veenstra

What brought you to Yoga?  
Intuitively I always knew yoga would be good for me to compliment all my other physical activities, but I could never sit still enough to do a pose let alone try a daily practice at home. After many attempts at pulling out a few of those yoga books and never getting past page 4, I thought it was time to try going to a yoga studio and commit to going a couple of times a week. Little did I know that yoga was more than a pose from a book.

How long have you been practicing, and how often do you practice?     
​I am not certain of the year I first walked into a yoga studio, but it has been approximately 22 years. My job gives me the opportunity to travel quite frequently. When I am being a road warrior, I always try to find a yoga studio to fit in a class or 2 but when I am back sleeping in my own bed, I love to make at least 3 classes a week.
What’s your favorite pose and how does it make you feel?   
Pigeon Pose is definitely my favorite pose. Going into this pose for whatever reason puts me right on the edge of a type of pain that uniquely actually feels good, and then after a minute or so the sense of relief is so amazing.

What’s the best thing you’ve gotten from Yoga? 
It turns out I was accurate that it has contributed to my health such as strength and staying limber but being part of Yoga Experience, with all the different offerings of types of classes and amazing Yoga retreats both local and abroad, it has enveloped me with a community so compassionate, providing a space for me to grow and expand my capacity for joy.

What pose challenges you, but you’d love to accomplish? 
​Definitely Crow Pose. I have a love and hate relationship with it.

Slow Yoga Flow with
Acoustic Guitar by Ryan

Thursday, March 12th - 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Join Tracy for a slow yoga flow to live acoustic guitar with
accomplished singer/songwriter/healer Ryan Herrick,
just back from his West Coast Tour!

Minimum 6, Maximum 30

When Ryan Herrick found musical expression and songwriting, his sojourn as a spiritual seeker was already well underway. His spiritual journey has brought him from the mountains of Vermont to the foothills of Chicago’s skyscrapers and the whispering grasses of a South Dakota Indian Reservation. Ryan's music is a percussive blend of roots, folk, Celtic, and Indian Raga; intricately woven with his passion for mysticism and conscious awareness.

Sign Up Here!

Dear Yoga Community,
Under increasing pressure I feel like I must address this COVID-19 virus.  Yoga Experience is a place of healing, and I want it to continue to be.  I have not specifically addressed this so far because I believe that fear and paranoia spread much faster than viruses, and I will not be a part of the continuum of fear.  I keep the studio meticulously clean and disinfected.  And, I have complete and total trust in the intelligence of the Yoga Experience community.  I know you know the right thing to do for you.  But, I will officially state it here as well.  If you feel sick, have a cough or fever… please do not come to Yoga.  If you are afraid of catching something here... please do not come to Yoga.  If you are afraid of your hands touching something contaminated, there is sanitizer available, or a sink to wash your hands.  I want you to do what is right for you.  I respect whatever your feelings are about this virus, but I do ask that you not bring the fear or paranoia into the studio.  Yoga Experience, and it’s offerings is exactly what we all need right now.  Let’s come together and heal.


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