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Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

God said in Isaiah and later quoted in Acts: ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles,
    that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’ That is our Lord... that is our mission! There is no way to be a follower of Christ if we are not being part of his mission.
That's what we preach and teach... with your prayers and support!

Mision Beta

Church Planters Cohort
Having finished our first cohort of church planters and leaders at the Incubator program last year, we are now thrilled to start a new cohort this March. New pastors, church planters and leaders, ready to walk together encouraging each other to serve the Lord.
Please continue to pray for our team to be effective in planning and working together.


Nuevo Avivamiento Church

I'll try to summarize some of the events of the last months after our previous bulletin.

For Christmas, God sent us out of our church building... we took the choir to sing on the streets and the youth group performed a very moving evangelistic drama.

Then in February, we accepted an invitation to participate once again at the festival organized by the City of Buenos Aires in occasion of the Chinese New Year. So we were present with a booth and offered many activities sharing the Gospel of our Lord. It was great to see the youth group so committed to share the Good News.

Finally, in early February we went out for a leaders retreat. We spend an awesome day, enjoying communion, praying and looking forward to what God has prepared for us this year. Our motto for this whole year is: “Sharing the love of God” and most efforts will be related to reaching out those in need of salvation. Please pray that God will open doors as we share the Good News.

Family Update

After a couple of refreshing weeks in January going out on vacation as a family, we are full of energy, ready to start all challenges coming this year. The kids have already started school, and we are all on track for the rest of the year.

One special prayer request

The fear of spreading the Covid-19 virus in our midst has increased. Since our church is located in China Town, we are having some people who are afraid of coming to the services. Of course, we have implemented many means for prevention. But we are seeing now that this whole thing might prompt us to new opportunities. Last Sunday we started broadcasting our worship service for those families of our church who are in quarantine, or those who prefer not to be exposed to potential contagious germs. The experience was good, and we even had some other people join the broadcasting, people whom we don't even know!

So, we decided to continue broadcasting our worship services live, and encouraging some families to host a home group and participate at the service online. We pray that all this will end up being for God's glory. Please pray with us that God will lead our decisions and help us bring peace in the midst of fear.


In sum... please pray for these things:

  • For Mision Beta, that God will bless new and revitalized churches with whom we are working

  • For our church, that God will give us wisdom as we strive to share the Good News through different means

  • For our family, that God will grant us strength and good family time.

Please feel free to write us requiring more details. Also, we would be delighted to connect through Skype, Zoom, or any other way you would dim appropriate... either way... please stay in touch. You bless us, not only by supporting us and praying for us, but also by contacting us from time to time. Remember... we are a relational culture ;)

Thank you all, as always, for your prayers, love and care!

¡Dios los bendiga!
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