Lions all,

Indiana Lions have another Opportunity to Serve!  Gleaners Food Bank in Indianapolis is in critical need of sorters and packers for this Saturday, February 29th. Scheduled times:  8:30 AM Sharp until 1:00 PM.

This Saturday is the 5th weekend of the month, and the need for volunteers is critical!   To keep everything running smoothly, we need 100 or more Lions Volunteers and Family members, ages 9 and over to sort and package groceries!  These will be cased goods for distribution to partner agencies, and take-home sacks for distribution to children's programs.

Gleaners Food Bank is located just off I-465 and Kentucky Avenue, at 3737 Waldemere Avenue, Indianapolis, 46241

We are asking Lions Statewide to volunteer for this worthy cause.  There is at least 50 Lions' Clubs within an hour's drive of this area, so please make the time to volunteer! 

Your children and grandchildren over the age of 9 are able to be volunteers for this project.  You must accompany them, however.  This would be a great opportunity for LEO's and other high school students.

Please dress to work in a cool, but not cold environment, and wear hats, work gloves and sturdy boots or shoes.  You may wear your Lions' shirts, Sweatshirts, and Vests!  Show your Lions Pride!

Gleaners asks that you pre-register for this event.  Please go to:

You will be asked to spend two minutes and create a new volunteer hub account with your information.  Then sign up for the event on this Saturday, and be prompt for the Safety Briefing at 8:30 AM.

A light lunch will be provided, and a brief closing program will be held, so please arrange to stay the entire time, from 8:30 AM until 1:00 PM.

Again, Please Join US for a Half Day of Service on Behalf of Those in Need!

Yours in Service,

PDG Charlie Short and PCC Sue Topf
Pre- Register!
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