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Activist reading group with guest Paula Chavez: Tuesday 3 March,19.00 - 21.00 uur in WALTER books, Arnhem. Paula Chaves is a Colombian choreographer, performer and activist based in Amsterdam. Her artistic research is situated at the intersection of non-western feminist practices, journalism, dance and fiction as sites where to imagine transnational anti-capitalistic and anti-colonial modes of existence. Admission is free for everybody, just register via our website.
Write a story about the far future for our podcast and get a free ticket for ICAF

Are you interested in writing a story about the future for our podcast? And in a free ticket for ICAF International Community Arts Festival (25-29 March in Rotterdam) to see the project 8102 made by ArtEZ alumni Karla Isidorou and Alexandra Bellon (K&A)? Contact us!

Harriet Bergman on climate breakdown
BONUS: De zaak Shell - Monoloog voor een consument

Harriet Bergman researches climate change and emotions at the University of Antwerp, and practices what she preaches as part of Fossil Free Culture NL. This episode of Radio ArtEZ features excerpts from her talk, part of the How on Earth programme, and a conversation we had before the talk. Find the podcast in your podcast app or on our website >

In deze bonusaflevering presenteren we een monoloog uit De zaak Shell, van Rebekka de Wit en Anouk Nuyens. In deze monoloog wordt de rol van de consument in de klimaatafbraak onderzocht. Want zonder dat de consument het wellicht weet, speelt hij al sinds het begin van de rechtszaak een hoofdrol. Shell heeft namelijk al meerdere keren laten weten dat er een fout is gemaakt in deze rechtszaak. Niet zij zouden verantwoordelijk zijn voor klimaatverandering, maar wij: de consumenten. Vind de podcast in je app of op onze site >

Work ArtEZ alumna Ellen Schreven 
shown at Bad Feminist exhibition Melkweg

Ellen Schreven graduated last year at Fine Art & Design in Education. Her graduation work is shown in the exhibition Bad Feminist at the Melkweg in Amsterdam. Read her blog (in Dutch) about her project Daar vind ik wat van. Interested in more? Take a look at the BAD FEMINIST TALKS on 7 March in the Melkweg in Amsterdam.


ArtEZ studium generale curates and organises gatherings, talks, training courses, podcasts and publications about the state of the arts and its relation to today’s challenges. Activities are open to everyone.
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ArtEZ studium generale - Onderlangs 9 - 6812 CE Arnhem - the Netherlands


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