MARCH 2020: Cranston HEZ Teen Survey Success, Socially Determined podcast, and more! 

Rhode Island is doing all it can to keep Rhode Islanders safe and stop the spread of COVID-19.  We're stronger if we all work together.  Below are some essential reminders as we get through this together. 

  • Misinformation is dangerous, and it is important to stay informed. The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) has a dedicated COVID-19 website that is consistently updated with the latest state data, guidance, and information.
  • RIDOH is regularly sending out COVID-19 partner briefings.  If you’d like to be added to the distribution list, contact Anna Tomasulo.
  • There is a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) products in the State, including gowns, masks, faceshields, and gloves. Companies willing to sell the needed products to the State are asked to visit this website and submit what they can provide.
  • Anyone (individuals and businesses) seeking to donate medical supplies, should enter their offer on the COVID-19 Medical Supply Donations website.
  • If you are medical or behavioral health personnel interested in volunteering to support the COVID-19 response in Rhode Island, you can register at Rhode Island Responds.  

Cranston HEZ Teen Survey Success

Hugh B. Bain Middle School lies in who heart of the Cranston Health Equity Zone (HEZ).  With the support of the superintendent, the principal, and a staff member from Bain who is a member of the Cranston HEZ collaborative and a champion in the community, the Cranston HEZ experienced a huge success in having all of the eighth grade students at Bain take their teen survey as part of the HEZ community assessment process. 

Additionally, 72% of the teens that took the survey identify as ethnic or racial minorities, which accurately reflects the larger population of the Cranston HEZ. The collaborative is learning so much from analyzing the survey results. This is considered a huge win for the Cranston HEZ and will help make a difference in the lives of the teenagers living in the Health Equity Zone.


2020 Census

Invitations to respond to the 2020 Census have been sent!  To make sure critical funding stays in Rhode Island, we need everyone to be counted in Census 2020.  Filling out the census takes only a few minutes and can be done online, by phone, or by mail. Census participation is safe, secure, and private. Please encourage your networks to participate!

RIPTA Customer Satisfaction Survey

Together with the American Bus Benchmarking Group (ABBG) and a select group of transit agencies across the country, the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) is surveying customers about key aspects of their service through April 5, 2020.

The combined result of the surveys from each participating transit agency will guide the formation of a national benchmark of best practices in public transit.  The survey is available in both English and Spanish.

AAA High School Video PSA Contest

AAA Northeast is looking for original videos addressing the risks of marijuana-impaired driving.  Contest winners will cumulatively receive more than $11,000 in prize money.  The contest is open to students in grades 9-12.  Contest rules and the application can be found at the AAA Northeast website


DEM Grant to Help RI Communities Confront Climate Change

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) announced that around $3 million in matching grants is available for climate resilience projects throughout Rhode Island.  DEM is seeking grant proposals that will allow municipalities, other governmental entities, and nonprofits to implement climate resilience projects for many kinds of climate-driven challenges facing Rhode Island communities. 
Climate change is causing extreme weather, inland and coastal flooding, and sea level rise – resulting in environmental and economic challenges for Rhode Islanders and around the world. Scientific modeling predicts that these impacts are expected to accelerate. Each of Rhode Island’s 39 cities and towns is vulnerable to climate change impacts, with infrastructure and natural systems at risk due to their location in riverine or coastal floodplains.

Additional information about eligible projects and the required match is available in the request for proposals.  All proposals are due by 4 p.m. April 2, 2020.  For more information or to apply contact Elizabeth Stone

RISCA Project Grants in Healthcare

As part of the State Plan for Arts and Health, the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) announces an upcoming Project Grants in Healthcare (PGH) for health-based organizations (clinical, behavioral, public health) to implement arts-based projects with an artist working in partnership with a licensed healthcare professional. 

PGH provides up to $9,000 in matching grants for arts projects that connect teaching artists with healthcare in hospitals or other healthcare settings.  Teaching artists experienced in healthcare settings need to partner with one or more licensed healthcare staff to implement the project. Arts-based professional development with a variety of staff from the healthcare organization is also strongly encouraged, with a priority placed on experiential learning and job-embedded experiences. 

The deadline to submit a proposal is 11:59 p.m. on April 15, 2020.  Refer to the request for proposals for more information and application instructions.  

Helping Obtain Prosperity for Everyone Program

The Federal Transmit Administration's Helping Obtain Prosperity for Everyone (HOPE) Program supports projects that will improve transit services or facilities in areas of persistent poverty through planning, engineering, or development of technical or financing plans for projects. Applicants are encouraged to work with non-profits or other entities of their choosing to develop an eligible project.  The HOPE Program is intended to help areas of persistent poverty to reduce fatality rates on rural transportation infrastructure and increase access to jobs and healthcare through enhanced transit options and improved facilities.

Eligible project partners and sub-recipients may include, but are not limited to:

  • Public transportation systems
  • Operators of transportation, such as employee shuttle services or airport connector services or university transportation systems
  • State or local government entities
  • Other organizations that may contribute to the success of the project team including consultants, research consortia or nonprofit industry organizations, and institutions of higher education

Two informational webinars are scheduled for 2 p.m. on March 25, 2020 and 2 p.m. on April 8, 2020, register here.  The deadline to submit a proposal is 11:59 p.m. on May 4, 2020.  Refer to the program overview for more information and application instructions.  


Socially Determined: Moving Public Health to 3.0

The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) released a series of 10 professional learning podcasts that share practical examples of how NACDD’s members in state, federal, nonprofit, and private chronic disease prevention fields can engage with a variety of non-traditional partners and industries to address the social factors influencing health disparities and communities’ chronic disease burden.

The goal has been to demonstrate how public health can disrupt the economic, racial, social, and political injustices and biases that result in some populations’ increased risk for chronic illnesses like diabetes, cancer, or heart disease. 

Throughout the series, terms such as the “social determinants of health,” “health equity,” and “adverse childhood experiences” are explored through interviews with several national leaders from the state and nonprofit sectors.

The full episode list is available for download at NACDD’s website.

Strategies for Combating Racism in Health Systems

The third in a series on health equity, this webinar focuses on the impact of racism and racial bias on public health and healthcare programs. Listeners will learn about the different levels of racism, how to apply a racial equity lens to improvement initiatives, and the key steps for promoting equity-focused organizational culture change. 


The Rhode Island Governor's Commission on Disabilities (RIGCD) has created this resource guide to assist the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Contained is information about accessing community resources, including those available for families with children, small business owners and employees, and individuals that fall within a high risk population. 

Weekly Housing Updates Call

This weekly call for property managers, community development corporations, public housing agencies, and other multifamily owners/managers and resident service providers to receive updates from federal and state agencies on operations, funding opportunities. and administrative changes.  Register for the call here

Our Turn: Karen Santilli and Jack McConnell: Virus Proves Housing is Health Care | Providence Journal, March 26, 2020

Celebrities Get Virus Tests, Raising Concerns of Inequality | The Associated Press, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus School Closures Expose Digital Haves and Have-Nots | Wall Street Journal, March 10, 2020

Gorbea on Why the U.S. Census Matters | The Public's Radio, March 4, 2020

RI Compiles Socioeconomic, Environmental Data in Effort to Improve Health | WPRI 12, March 3, 2020

Census Bureau: RI Hardest State to Count in New England | WPRI 12, February 24, 2020

Chapter 2: We are Not the Dumpster, We are Not a Sacrifice Zone | ConvergenceRI, Feburary 24, 2020

By the Numbers: What Does it Mean to be Black in RI? | Motif, February 5, 2020


Let's work together to raise awareness of the exciting work happening across Rhode Island's Health Equity Zones. Reach out to RIDOH's HEZ Communications Lead to share:
  • News and upcoming events related to your Health Equity Zone.
  • Feedback on how we can strengthen our communications.
  • Plans for developing communications materials or holding public events.
Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH), 3 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908
Health Information Line: 401-222-5960 / RI Relay 711

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