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Calendar for the New Year!

There's still space!
 Sacred Breath Illumination

The Tibetan New Year following the Chinese New Year emphasizes this transition toward spring and regeneration. 
Thus it is a powerful, auspicious time for renewal.

 We clear out what we don't need: what is damaged, dusty, unused, downright useless in order to make way for the beauty and freshness of new growth..

As we begin a new 12-year and 60-year cycle,
this new era, we have the opportunity to look at what  we're ready to release in order to open to what the future may bring.



Sacred Breath Illumination:
Breathing into our Energetic Blueprint to release old habits and identities, access our actual design, and renew our commitment to life.


We are experiencing intensely challenging times.
Around us we hear fearful news and predictions of doom.
This is our opportunity to step back, release our old identities and roles, and see ourselves as conscious beings in this universe, empowered to create and to fill the world with truth and light. 

Through quieting our mind in meditation we listen to the universal voice of wisdom in the silences of nature.



RSVP for address and driving directions!

Sacred Breath Illumination
February 28:  6:30-9:00 PM

Chinese medicine is rooted in Taoism, a life philosophy based on observations of nature, the stars, and cycles of change. 
Through this view we learn to engage consciously, to self-actualize as intelligent beings within an intelligent universe.
Part of this process is to become aware of and to release limitations imposed by our social and familial programming.

Many of us move forward in life incessantly, rarely looking back to reflect on how we got where we are. 
We do not realize the weight and debris we've accumulated in our psyche and energy body, or how it contributes to fatigue, low motivation, or illness.
Taking time to breathe, reassess our condition, listen to nature and the stars, we naturally release that which blocks our sense of freedom and autonomy.


Classes and workshops offered at Sacred Path Healing Center are designed to support our mindful engagement in the trajectory of our lives, individually and globally, by teaching skills and tools for understanding and mastering being present in our energy body.
These practices which support our experience on planet earth are Shamanic in nature, and have parallels in Shamanic practices from many traditions.
They complement other modalities we use on our evolutionary journey.
We tend to think of healing as a one-time event, however it is a long-term commitment to a path of harmony and integration.
It is a path we do not deter from throughout our lives, and to the end, we never lack for opportunities to choose light and wholeness.
Claire Didion, Sacredpath Healing Center

Year of the Rat Forecast by Lillian Bridges:
"It is time to bring out new ideas, new plans and to
say yes to new opportunities. It is a good year for reinvention and starting over.
It is also the start of another decade, all of which makes it an especially important year for
new beginnings and new possibilities.
It is time to bring out new ideas, new plans and
say yes to new opportunities. It is a good year for reinvention and starting over."


Join us!
Everyone Must RSVP: 619-203-7152

Sacred Breath Illumination
February 28:  6:30-9:00 PM

Please dress comfortably:
Bring pillow, blanket and yoga mat.

Tea and snacks will follow the session.

We call on our spiritual teachers, our inner healer, our spirit guides, anyone or anything we feel supports us for healing and guidance, knowing that we can put our faith in them…
And we trust ourselves and o
ur own inner process.
         Within this context, we establish a conversation, listen deeply, intuitively, understanding the unconditional love that we have for ourselves.

Copyright © 2020 Claire Didion, acupuncturist/herbalist, All rights reserved.

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