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EQUAL@WORK  | March | February #2019
Leaving no one behind in the crisis: ENAR calls for system change now to achieve real equality

As the struggle to contain the virus seems to mainly protect the most privileged, we need to rethink a system that is failing to deliver equality and justice for the most marginalised and refocus on solidarity to tackle the deep challenges ahead of us.

No one is immune to the Covid-19 crisis, but it impacts refugees at the borders, undocumented people, low income families, homeless people, elderly people, women, people with disabilities or a chronic illness – including many racialised people – more. They have less or no access to health services, many already in precarious work will have even less job security with restriction measures in place across Europe, and some don’t even have homes. Read More
The coronavirus is forcing tech giants to make a risky bet on AI
Machine learning tools have always been the ideal content moderators for Facebook, Google and Twitter — but COVID-19 is forcing their use before they’re ready. Like most stories about content moderators, it’s a tale about difficult tradeoffs. And actions taken over the past few days by Facebook and YouTube will have significant implications for the future of the business. Read More
Excellent example of diversity & inclusivity in marketting campaigns
Our strength is in our #diversity, Both in #Europe and in this planet. We are all different - all equal. A good example of showcasing diversity came from an advertisement in Unilever #SriLanka this week. Watch the full video
Diversité et inclusion en entreprise : effet de mode ou réelle amélioration ?

Le 6 février dernier, après une campagne de testing, le gouvernement a publié les noms de sept entreprises soupçonnées de discrimination à l’embauche. La méthode a très vite été contestée par la plupart des grands groupes épinglés. Tous vantent sur leur site internet leur engagement pour la diversité, en affichant leurs actions ou politiques en la matière. Pour aider les entreprises à savoir où elles se situent en terme de diversité et d’inclusion, une start-up vient de lancer une plateforme qui calcule leur empreinte globale sur diverses thématiques. Labels, chartes, ces outils qui permettent aux entreprises d’afficher leurs engagements sont de plus en plus nombreux. Les entreprises ont-elles une réelle volonté de progresser dans ces domaines ou s’agit-il surtout de se donner une bonne image sur un thème porteur ?  Read More

Employee Demographics Don’t Have to Be at Odds with Employees’ Identities

Over the past decade, more people have begun to openly acknowledge that their identities don’t fit in with existing conceptions of gender, race, and ethnicity. The way we see ourselves has evolved to better reflect the nuances and complexities of being human. “He” and “she” are no longer the only acceptable pronouns. It is becoming more widely understood that racial and ethnic identities can change across time and place. Read More

ENAR's Equal@work Platform brings together employers from the public and private sector, social partners, NGOs, public authorities and political institutions to explore progressive ways to operate workplaces that are open, equal and free from discrimination.

#Sinophobia IS ON THE RISE
#Sinophobia is a big pandemic with deep rooted racist biases against people of #Asian origin. No one can hide any sinophobic #racist biases behind #Coronavius any more. Read More on 
The biggest misconception about diversity and inclusion at work, according to a leader at the No. 1-ranked employer for diversity

Judith Williams is leading the way in a new era of diversity and inclusion. After years of trailblazing efforts for diversity and inclusion, often shortened to D&I, at tech giants including Google and Dropbox, Williams joined enterprise software company SAP as head of people sustainability and chief D&I officer in 2018. Read More


Call for applications:  The 2020 Fellowship Programme for people of African descent taking place in Geneva from 23 November to 11 December 2020  --  Deadline for applications 22 March 2020: Read more  (English - Français - Español)

Call for proposals to promote the effective implementation of the principle of non-discrimination: Funding & tender opportunities: Single Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA), Read More
Mixité femmes/hommes, diversité culturelle, sociale et religieuse : comment intégrer ces dimensions dans votre politique de diversité et inclusion?, 20/04/2020. Read More
Formation 10 jours: De la diversité à l’inclusion dans le monde professionnel, BePax, from October 2019 to June 2020, Namur, Belgium. Read More
Lets push for the renaming of NAZI and Colonial Street Names in #Munich (Umbenennung von nationalsozialistischen und Kolonialstraßennamen in München). Sign the petition now
EU funding call: Call for proposals to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance and to monitor, prevent and counter hate speech online, Read More
ISD-Bund fundraising campaign: Empower activism - movement lives through us! Read More & Donate
Data Justice Conference: Civic Participation in the Datafied Society, Data Justice Lab, 28-29/05/2020, Cardiff, UK. Read More
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF): Read more
Opportunities for Roma Inclusion Projects under the EEA and Norway Grants in Romania. Read More
New Civitates fund to support independent, public interest journalism in Europe. Read More
Call for entries for 2020 Black International Cinema Berlin, 7-10/05/2020. Read More
Anti Asian Racism Visit the thread now on
Racist attacks against Asians continue to rise under the cover of #coronavirus. #AntiAsianRacism & #COVID19 are both challenging the future of Europe.

As with any pandemic, people have been on high alert, postponing travel plans and practicing social distancing to try to prevent themselves from contracting the virus. But as more cases are reported each day, more misinformation and wide-spread panic have contributed to racially motivated attacks on people of Asian descent or anyone who looks East Asian.

Hate crime task forces have been responding to calls and social media users who have been posting videos and tweeting stories of attacks — both verbal and physical — that have been posted online to try to find perpetrators who’ve been targeting Asians. Read More
Trump beats the racist drum again against Asians
Trump’s new fixation on using a racist name for the coronavirus is dangerousYou are part of the problem for using #CoronaVirusChallenge as a cover for your brute racist attacks. "Trump’s new fixation on using a racist name for the coronavirus is dangerous" reports @dylanlscott . The world has been trying to move past the racist disease-naming conventions of the past in recent years, making it all the more telling that Trump has revived them in a moment of crisis. He might be annoyed that Chinese officials and media have, for their part, tried to blame the virus on America. He might want to deflect blame onto anybody else given the harsh criticism his administration has faced for being slow to respond to the outbreak. Read More
Does inequality lead to racism?

In the wake of a far-right attack in Hanau, Germany, Chancellor Merkel slammed the “poison” of racism. Speaking in Berlin, she said: “Racism is a poison. Hate is a poison and this poison exists in our society and is already to blame for many crimes.”

Across Europe, far-right populist parties have been gaining in popularity over recent years, while the number of reported hate crimes has been spiking in many European countries. What’s behind this rise in racism? Read More
International day Against Racism twitter thread

Nous devons de plus en plus prendre soin des plus vulnérables alors que #Europe se prépare pour #COVID19. Les personnes âgées, les Rroms, les pauvres,les sans-abri dans nos rues, les minorités et les personnes confrontées au racisme structurel ont besoin d'attention.#solidariteit. Check our thread now on
Including racism in the discussion of wellbeing at work

How work affects our mental health and the importance of wellbeing in the workplace is slowly beginning to be acknowledged. This is an important step forward. But how deep-rooted inequality and racism intersect with mental health in that milieu is not yet being addressed. Read More
Anti Racism Month 2020

Every year March is an important month for both Irish and global Anti-Racism Movements due to various international celebrations focusing on combating racism and celebrating diversity taking place.

21st March marks an important day in every anti-racist’s calendar. On that day in 1960, the Apartheid regime’s police opened fire and killed 69 Black people at a peaceful demonstration for equality and against apartheid laws in Sharpeville, South Africa. This date has since been declared the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination when the people across the globe show their opposition to racism and solidarity with those affected by it and in remembrance of the harmful impact of racism on individuals and communities. Read More
EU gender equality strategy: a missed opportunity to be truly intersectional

The EU gender equality strategy is a long-awaited proposal to ensure real equality for all womxn* in the EU. The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) welcomes the fact that it calls for an intersectional perspective in gender equality policies and acknowledges intersectional discrimination, i.e. the discrimination resulting from interconnected identities such as gender, class, race, sexuality, disability, religion, which produce a new and unique type of discrimination.

However, it is disappointing that the strategy does not include any specific measures or guarantees to ensure policies will actually be intersectional. There are also no specific actions to tackle the inequalities faced by women who are made invisible or overlooked in current gender equality policies. For example, policies to close the gender pay gap do not take into account the fact that many ethnic minority women are paid less than white women and ethnic minority men. Similarly, policies to achieve gender balance in leadership positions make no reference to the underrepresentation of minority women in management positions. To ensure a real intersectional approach, the strategy should foresee proactive measures to ensure that racialised women are not once again made invisible, including by assessing and reviewing existing policies. Read More
Sodexo vreest miljardenklap voor omzet door corona
French service provider Sodexo fears that the coronavirus outbreak will take a bite of up to 2 billion euros from its turnover. Because many schools and companies are closed and events are canceled due to the illness, there is less demand for the company's catering and cleaning services. Read More in dutch
Sodexo Named Top Employer For Women

Sodexo has been named to Women’s Business Enterprise National Council's list of  America's Top Corporations for Women's Business Enterprises (WBEs), the food services and facility management company announces via press release.

America's Top Corporations for Women's Business Enterprises honors corporations for supplier diversity programs that reduce barriers and drive growth for women-owned businesses. Read More
Le 4 fevrier 2020, l'AFMD a présenté la nouvelle version du kit d'inclusion des personnes LGBT+ au travail : Question d’égalité, question d’opportunité

Ce kit entend, apporter une touche originale, en portant à la fois un message global destiné à l’ensemble des acteurs du monde du travail, mais aussi en le déclinant par fonctions professionnelles (RH, communication, achats, etc.) ou selon le rôle que les personnes sont amenées à jouer en tant que dirigeant·e·s, managers, collègues, etc.

Une refonte en 2018-2019

Ce kit est le résultat d’un atelier d’échanges lancé par l’AFMD en 2013 intitulé « LGBT : question d’égalité, question d’opportunité ».
Cet atelier avait un double objectif : présenter les défis que doivent relever les organisations pour être pleinement inclusives envers les personnes LGBT+ d’une part, et réfléchir aux différentes opportunités qui en découlent d’autre part.En 2018, l’AFMD a entamé un travail de refonte du kit, l’environnement légal avait évolué et de plus en plus de sujets émergeaient. Read More



Eine neue Ära
Die Verbreitung künstlicher Intelligenz und anderer datengesteuerter Sortiersysteme wird oft als US-Thema abgetan. Doch im Gegenteil: Solche Technologien (einschließlich künstlicher Intelligenz, automatisierter Entscheidungssysteme, algorithmischer Entscheidungsfindung, der Zusammenführung großer Datensätze mit persönlichen Informationen sowie dem altbekannten Scraping und der Überwachung sozialer Medien) sind auch in Europa zunehmend im Einsatz. Sie sind eine durch und durch europäische Realität. Read More


The Challenges Facing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leaders

Diversity and inclusion are two areas the advertising industry has prioritized in recent years, not only with help from organizations like the 3% Movement and Adcolor, but also internally via executive positions dedicated to the causes. Each of the major holding companies has a chief diversity officer or a position akin to it. A number of agencies, including TBWA\North America and R/GA, have also implemented similar roles in the past decade. Read More
5 Strategies for Creating an Inclusive Workplace

Women of color are entering the workforce in greater numbers than ever before, bringing education, ambition, and diverse ideas and experiences with them. As a result, they offer corporations a potent force of insight and innovation that will be increasingly needed to meet the needs of a diverse customer base. Yet, despite the value that women of color represent for companies, they’re rarely given leadership positions, not to mention roles in the C-suite. Read More

Creating a Trans-Inclusive Workplace

For most of us, work is stressful in and of itself. Imagine carrying the added emotional weight of having to deny and suppress one of the most fundamental aspects of who you are—your gender identity—because it doesn’t conform with society’s norms regarding gender expression. And imagine how it would feel if you revealed your authentic self to those you work with and see every day, only to have them reject, ostracize, or ignore you as a result. (Maybe you do not have to imagine at all.) Read More

Diversity and inclusion strategy essential to retaining top talent

Diversity and inclusion are playing an increasingly important role in talent retention for companies based in Ireland, said Micheline Corr, director of hospitality recruitment specialist The Firm. The Dublin-based recruiter says hotels and other hospitality companies are literally bending over backwards to support all forms of staff wellbeing.

Like the companies it works with, The Firm is practicising what it preaches. When we spoke earlier this week, on ‘Wellness Wednesday’, Micheline was enjoying a staff yoga day. How does she feel about the initiative? Read More
Why gender diversity in business is win-win

Recent news that women are still ‘generations away’ from equality in the top ranks of business, politics and law, is a disappointment but is by no means a surprise. The 2020 Sex and Power Index, a report by the Fawcett Society, highlights that despite the growing body of evidence around the subject, the stark inequalities that exist at the top lay bare the dismally slow pace of change.

While it may feel like a mountain to climb right now, employers who decide not to make the journey up are missing a trick. A diverse workplace can boost many areas of a business, delivering better results and attracting new talent. Bold initiatives such as the Hampton-Alexander Review, which is committed to achieving a 33% target for women on boards and in leadership teams of FTSE 350 companies this year, will struggle to make ground without every business playing their part. Read More

What Happens When White Women Become The Face Of Diversity

Recently, Goldman Sachs made an announcement that they will only approve an IPO if it has a woman on its board. This raised the question of where would they find these women? And what women exactly? Between 2016 and 2018, there were a total of 230 new board seats within Fortune 500 firms. Across these openings white women obtained 124, black women 32, asian women 17, and hispanic women only 4 seats, according to Catalyst, a research organization. Some worry Goldman’s requirement is another way for white women to benefit, yet again, from diversity efforts. If white women continue to be the face of diversity, then what is diversity?  Is it just about hiring more white women? If it is, then how are women of color benefiting?  Read More
Updated EU skills profile tool for third country nationals

Public Employment Services (PES) can benefit from a newly updated online tool intended to help map the skills, qualifications and work experiences of asylum seekers, refugees and other third country nationals in order to facilitate their integration into the labour market and wider society. Read More
Romania racism row: Bakers from Sri Lanka feel the heat

Three Sri Lankan bakers who moved to a quiet town in Romania to work in a bread factory have unexpectedly found themselves at the centre of an anti-immigration storm. The workers had gone to Ditrau, a town of 5,000 people in a predominantly ethnic Hungarian area of the north, to earn higher wages. Shortly after they arrived, about 350 residents protested outside the town hall. Read More
Business-related human rights abuse and remedies 
Ensuring access to effective remedy is an important part of global efforts to encourage business conduct that respects human rights. A new Fundamental Rights Agency’s (FRA) paper looks at examples of business-related human rights abuse and identifies key factors facilitating access to remedy. FRA’s paper provides an overview of select examples of business-related human rights abuse identified through desk research. It refers to the types of industry sectors involved, the profile of victims and types of rights affected, as well as the complaints mechanisms used. Read More
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Funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020), the Open Society Foundations, the Sigrid Rausing Trust and the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.

The content of this newsletter cannot be considered to reflect the views of ENAR, the European Commission or any other body of the European Union, the Open Society Foundations, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, or the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. The European Commission, the Open Society Foundations, the Sigrid Rausing Trust and the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.