Jesus said: “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 19:20)
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
(Hebrews 10:24-25)
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
Please accept this update on the challenges we face because of the COVID19 virus.
Notices of cancellation of sporting and other events in the wake of the Corona Virus are flooding the internet and the airwaves. Many of the larger churches, typically with attendance of over 250, are cancelling services for the month of March. The next three weeks will prove to be pivotal in the progress of what is now being labeled a pandemic.
Each CALC congregation will have to decide whether to cancel services for the remainder of March. At Grace Lutheran, West Kelowna, we will continue to hold services. We will be taking the precautions below. We hope that the precautions we are taking will encourage you to do the same and keep worship going.
May God bless us all through this challenging time.
In Christ
Pastor Ed Skutshek, President
One of the easiest and most efficient ways of preventing the spread of the COVID19 virus is to wash your hands thoroughly (at least 20 seconds) with soap and hot water. Wash your hands often.
Use hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes if you are unable to wash your hands with soap and hot water.
Don't Shake Hands
Avoid shaking hands and hugging.
A simple smile, elbow bump or air-hug gesture is fine for now.
Monitor Yourself
If you feel sick (sniffles, fever, coughing or other flu-like symptoms), stay home. Self-isolation protects you and your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Be conscious of your behavior. Remember not to initiate a hug or handshake.
Remember to cough into your sleeve.
Avoid touching your, eyes, nose, mouth and hair when at church.
Don't stand or sit too close to one another.
Maintenance & Cleaning
Disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, tables, and handrails regularly.
Clean surfaces in washrooms. Make sure paper towels and appropriate hand-soaps are available.
Increase ventilation by opening windows, using ceiling or using furnace fan.
Holy Communion
Thoroughly wash communion ware with soap and hot water prior to use.
Those preparing the elements for distribution should thoroughly wash their hands with soap and hot water and put on clean and previously unused disposable latex gloves prior to handling the communion ware and elements.
The latex gloves shall be kept on while the wafers are placed in the plate and the individual cups are filled. If a preparer touches his/her nose, eyes or mouth with a latex glove, those gloves will be disposed of and new gloves put on. Any elements touched with the contaminated gloves will disposed of.
The common up will not be used. Nor will any form of intinction (dipping the bread into the wine) be used.
Individual disposable plastic cups will be used in communion trays for the wine/grape juice.
The wafers used will come from an intact and unopened package.
The preparer(s) will take the fully prepared communion elements to the altar area.
Only when the communion elements are placed on the altar will the preparer(s) take off the latex gloves.
Those distributing the elements during worship will wash their hands with soap and hot water or hand sanitizer prior to putting on clean and previously unused disposable latex gloves.
Those distributing the elements during Holy Communion will keep their latex gloves on until the last person is communed.
Unused communion elements will be disposed of as is the custom in the parish. However, unused wafers and wine/grape juice cannot be used again.
Instruments and Sound Equipment
Microphones need to be wiped down with disinfectant wipes (including handles and wind covers), before and after use.
Piano keys and shared musical instruments should be similarly wiped down before and after use.
Sound Board and other electronics should be wiped down in the same way before and after use.
Our prayers and petitions should call upon God to:
Defend all people in this time of tribulation and distress, that we, in communion with the Church and in unity with all Christian people, may fight the good fight of faith, and in the end receive the fullness of salvation.
Show Himself to be a helper of the sick and the needy, the comforter of the forsaken and distressed;
Bless all who are in authority with wisdom, passion and patience and act to protect the citizens they govern from this pestilence;
Guide scientists and researchers as they seek a cure for this pestilence;
Guide physicians and nurses and all those you have called to practice the arts of healing. To strengthen them by God’s life-giving Spirit, so that, by their ministries, the health of all people may be promoted and God’s creation may be glorified;
Calm our fears around this disease so that we in turn can offer hope, comfort, faith and the promise of the resurrection to people around us who may seized with fear.