Chill + Restore class tonight @ 6:30 pm with live music
will be limited to 12 students.

A Restorative class to strengthen the Immune System 
led by Durga Devi, live music by Shiva Das.

Class pass or $15 - reserve your spot here

We will be making additional changes to the class schedule later today,
and will send an email out with this announcement tomorrow.

Yes, we will be offering some online options soon! 
Stay connected - we will keep you informed.

Please check the website for most up to date info on classes,
and New Limits on class size.

Ways to Stay Calm and Healthly
Eat a Clove of Raw Garlic (1 - 3 times a day)
Drink Fresh Nutrient Dense Juices with Ginger.

Garlic and Ginger are anti-viral and anti bacterial.

Other Herbs / Oils to add to your Diet:
Oregano, Basil, Fennel, Echinacea, Dandelion

Diffuse some antiviral essential oils in your home:
 Peppermint, Rosemary, Thieves


Know that washing your hands is good for you
and for everyone else. Enjoy the warm water on your skin.
(Chant Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha 3 x's for extra protection)

Rest and Practice some Restorative Yoga.
Legs up the Wall for 10 - 15 minutes before bed
will calm your nervous system and provide you with a good night's sleep.

If you are sick or do not feel well. STAY HOME.
This is for everyone's benefit.


Take 3 deep breaths.
After three breaths, you most likely will feel better
and wish to continue deep breathing for a few minutes.

Deep breathing immediately relaxes the body
because it stimulates the vagus nerve,
which runs from the neck to the abdomen
and is in charge of turning off the ‘fight or flight’ reflex. 
“Stimulating the vagus nerve,”
per a recent Harvard Health blog post,
“activates your relaxation response,
reducing your heart rate and blood pressure.” 

When the body relaxes and the para-sympathetic nervous system is 
activated, THEN the body can RESTORE and REJUVENATE.

Know that we love each of you
and care about your well-being.

wishing you good health and peace of mind,
Durga Devi + Shiva Das

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