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Sunday Worship and
Church Gatherings

Out of concern for the physical health and safety of our congregation and wider community due to the threat of the Coronavirus, Session has voted to discontinue Sunday worship and all other church gatherings through March 2020. 

Worship is essential to our faith and experience of life together in Christ.  Therefore, we will continue to provide worship alternatives through our website and other communication platforms in order to address the spiritual health and vitality of our congregation.  This Sunday, March 15, and subsequent Sundays in March, we will upload a recording of music, scripture and the sermon to our website. 

In support of county and statewide efforts to contain the spread of the virus we are also discontinuing all gatherings at church previously scheduled through March.  Our church building will remain open during the week, Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Friday, 9:00 AM to Noon. 

Our experience of community is also essential to our faith and shared life together in Christ.  Therefore, we will seek other ways to have fellowship and support one another during this time of social distancing.  Through parish networks, small group connections, and friendship bonds we will encourage alternative ways to remain engaged with one another.

Session also decided to postpone the Decade Mexico Mission Trip scheduled to leave Saturday and return the following week out of concern for the safety of the people in Tijuana as well as those on the team who would have gone to serve there.

Our inclination during such uncertain and precarious times is to gather together—to be strengthened by our faith, encouraged by our fellowship, comforted in our weakness and buoyed with hope; however, we must act differently at this time.  Out of love and concern for the health and well-being of others, we have an opportunity to be used by God to spread the sphere of Christ’s influence.  Our patterns of worship and fellowship may be altered for a time, but the reality of our identity in Christ and the power of God’s spirit at work in us remains.  Therefore, let us not be frightened or discouraged, but in our hearts revere Christ as Lord.  Always prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope we have (1 Peter 3.15).
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 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 4:6-7  
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