
EVENT BELOW CANCELLED - United in Prayer Day
Read below for how you can participate at home

We are cancelling the Half-Day Retreat, scheduled for Sunday, March 22, 2020, dedicated to celebrating United in Prayer Day through the theme, "Healing Divisions",  a day dedicated to whole-making in ourselves, our relationships and our world. 

Here are some options of how we can still pray together, and offer prayers for prevention and healing surrounding the coronavirus. You can also schedule your own retreat at home. Finally, information about on-line Centering Prayer groups is provided below. 

1) Schedule a Centering Prayer Session for 2:00 PM on Sunday, March 22nd, which would have been the first time we would have prayed together at the retreat. This will bring us together in prayer at the same time on the day.
Organize your own in-home retreat.  Here is a sample schedule to assist planning for an individual retreat. Download the suggested individual schedule.
3) A 24-hour, worldwide silent prayer vigil will be hosted on March 20-21. All are welcome to sign-up for 30-minute prayer periods. Please sign-up on the Contemplative Outreach website (
4) This is a good time to remind you of the availablility of on-line prayer groups. More information is available here on how to sign up and the time that groups meet:

Here is a prayer written amid what is now a pandemic. Good health and healing to all.
A Prayer Amid an Epidemic 
By Kerry Weber 
Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love.
Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care.
Heal us from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbors from helping one another.
Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders.
Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow.
Be with those who have died from the virus. May they be at rest with you in your eternal peace.
Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair. May they know your peace.
Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace.
Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve. Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks. May they know your peace, as they work together to achieve it on earth.
Whether we are home or abroad, surrounded by many people suffering from this illness or only a few, Jesus Christ, stay with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In place of our anxiety, give us your peace.
Jesus Christ, heal us.
(Kerry Weber is an executive editor of America magazine,

United in Prayer Day - CANCELLED
Sunday, March 22, 2020
"Healing Divisions"
A day dedicated to whole-making in ourselves,our relationships and our world
Half-Day Retreat
 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
111 NE 80thSt., Seattle, WA 98115
1:30 PM – 5:50 PM
Taizé Service – 6:00 PM

United in Prayer Day - While United in Prayer Day is marked around the world on March 21st, we will have our group day retreat to celebrate it on Sunday afternoon, March 22nd. A 24-hour, worldwide silent prayer vigil will also take place from March 20th to 21st. See below on how to sign up for prayer segments.

This Retreat -We will take time apart to pray in silence, view a short video, "Christian Non-duality and Unity Consciousness", and reflect on the theme of the Day inspired by what we have seen and our own spiritual journeys. We will have 
reflection questions, Scripture and wisdom quotes for pondering. There will be free time for your own reflection, journaling and walking the labyrinth on the Church grounds. You are especially invited to complete this contemplative retreat day by attending the Taizé Prayer Service where we listen to God in silence, scripture reading and Taizé singing – simple, meditative songs repeated several times as they begin to sing themselves into our souls.
Please RSVP to, but also feel free to show up on the day. Donations are gratefully accepted, $15.00 suggested, which can be paid on the day in cash or by check made out to Contemplative Outreach Northwest (CONW).
Other ways Centering Prayer Groups and individuals can celebrate this 28th annual worldwide day of prayer:
  1. Organize your own in-home or Centering Prayer group retreat.  Here is a sample schedule to assist planning for an individual retreat. Download the suggested individual schedule.
  2. A 24-hour, worldwide silent prayer vigil will be hosted on March 20-21. All are welcome to sign-up for 30-minute prayer periods, either as individuals or in groups. Please sign-up on the Contemplative Outreach website (
If you have any questions on Contemplative Outreach resources, please email Pamela Begeman,
Copyright © 2020 Contemplative Outreach Northwest, All rights reserved.

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