
<<First Name>>,

You already know that photos are crucial when marketing a property.

But did you know that they can also help how far up you appear in a Google search?

You read that right.

They're not only important...They're CRUCIAL to your "Google Juice" (aka, search engine optimization or SEO) AND your digital marketing strategy.

In this video, you’ll learn:

  1. The difference between photos for web and photos for print and why it matters
  2. Why naming photos intentionally is important
  3. How to improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of your website and why knowing your audience is important
  4. How to bulk rename image files
  5. Why the full address of your property should always appear in the name of your photo before you upload them to your website or blog
  6. How can help you resize your high-res photos for web
  7. How to easily split a multi-page pdf document into individual image files using
Let me show you how:
Have a specific marketing question? I'm always here to help! Simply reply to this email or reach out to me anytime.

Cheers to improving your Google Juice, 🥤
P.S. – Have you improved your LinkedIn Professional Profile yet? Don't wait – you could be generating business on LinkedIn right now! Here's a link to our free, online LinkedIn class playlist or simply reply if our Team can help.
Lora Tucker Kaasch, CEO  |  Agent Operations®
(512) 400-2345 | |

focus on your strengths...outsource everything else.
real estate marketing | logistics | transaction management
Copyright © 2020 Agent Operations | A DBA of Tucker Kaasch LLC, All rights reserved.

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