
Lutz Preparatory School Weekly Reminders, Monday, March 9, 2020

  • Monday, March 9: 
    • Board of Director Subcommittee Meeting
    • Girls Varsity Soccer vs TCMS 4:30 PM @ TTRC Fields
    • Boys Flag Football Team A vs Village of Excellence 4:30 @ Lutz Prep
  • Tuesday, March 10:
    • 8th Grade Field Trip (DC & Local)
    • Boys Flag Football Team A vs Woodmont 4:00 PM @ Lutz Prep
    • Boys Flag Football Team B vs HAMS 5:00 PM @ Lutz Prep
  • Wednesday, March 11:
    • All Pro Dad's Breakfast
    • Hearing Screenings - Kinder, 1st, & 6th
    • 8th Grade Field Trip (DC & Local)
    • Girls Varsity Soccer vs Henderson 4:30 @ Lutz Prep
  • Thursday, March 12:
    • 8th Grade Field Trip (DC & Local)
    • Hearing Screenings - Kinder, 1st, & 6th
    • Boys Flag Football Team B vs Learning Gate 4:30 PM @ Lutz Prep
  • Friday, March 13:
    • 8th Grade Field Trip (DC & Local)
    • 3rd Grade In School Field Trip
    • End of 3rd Quarter
2020-21 Academic Calendar
2019-20 Academic Calendar
Volunteer Corner
Must be 2019-20 APPROVED Volunteer through the Hillsborough County School Volunteer screening process
  • Sprint Concert Volunteer Needs
    • Click HERE for the sign up genius.
  • Test Drive a Lincoln for Free Funds for Lutz Prep = One Hour of Volunteer Time
    • Click HERE for the sign up genius
PTA Corner

All Pro Dad's Breakfast
Hey Dads and Kids...Before taking off for Spring Break, join us for on Wednesday, March 11th for Lutz Prep/Lutz Pre-Prep All Pro Dad - Dad’s and Kid’s Breakfast.  This month's topic is "Courage".  Big Idea: Courage is the ability to face and overcome fears. It is an important attribute of your child’s character. Raising children to be courageous gives them the tools to conquer difficult challenges.

Team up with other Lutz Prep dads and kids for a quick before-school breakfast.  On Wednesday, March 11th, doors open at 7:00 AM and t he program starts at 7:15 and ends at 7:45 AM. It’s fun and it’s free.  You and your kids will be glad you came!  Great way to start the morning.  Contact Ryan Martin with any questions. 

Leader in Me:  Lightning Leaders and February Habit of the Month
Tip of the Week:  Sharpen the Saw/Sharpen the Brain:  I can keep my brain sharp through various activities and trying new things.
Sharpen the Saw:  I eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep (body).  I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school (brains).  I spend time with family and friends (heart).  I take time to find meaningful ways to help people (soul).  I balance all four parts of myself.  
Yearbooks On Sale 
FINAL DEADLINE EXTENDED:  Friday, March 13, 2020
Please note the PRESCHOOL and K-8 School have DIFFERENT YEARBOOKS, please make sure you order the correct one. 

TCAL Sports Information
Any questions contact Coach Mollick.

Coed Track and Field
  • Coach Paula McCarron
  • Practices begin Wed March 25th (after dismissal until 4:45) Mon/Wed
  • Meets (April 4 - Wiregrass, April 23rd - Rushe, April 30th - Rushe, May 6th - Rushe)
  • Need as many volunteers as possible for practices and meets
REQUIRED BEFORE FIRST PRACTICE: If your student/athlete is interested in being a part of the team; the following THREE STEPS MUST BE COMPLETED by Tuesday, March 24th at midnight.

Please click on each link below:
  1. Step #1: Online Payment Deadline Tuesday, March 24th at Midnight
  2. Step #2: Sports Liability Online Form (covers all sports for the 2019-20 school year)
  3. Step #3: FHSAA Sports Physical (must be emailed to OR a paper copy turned into the front office not coach). This is not the same as an annual health checkup.

Girls Flag Football
  • Coach Bobby Fox
  • Signup Deadline: Monday, March 23rd at Midnight
  • Tryouts:  Tuesday (March 24th) & Wednesday (March 25th) at LP Field.  3:00 - 5:00 PM.
  • Team announced Thursday (March 26th)
  • First practice Friday, March 27th 3-5 PM
  • Preseason Practice Mon/Wed/Friday 3-5 PM
  • Games begin Monday April 6th 4:30 (Typically Mon/Wed 4:30 - 5:30)
    • Regular season practices as needed (Typically Fridays from 3:00-5:00 PM)
    • 10 game season, 1 week playoffs (6-7 week season) 
REQUIRED BEFORE TRYOUTS: If your student/athlete is interested in trying out for the team;  the following THREE STEPS MUST BE COMPLETED by Monday, March 23rd at midnight.

Please click on each link below:
  1. Step #1:  Tryout Registration Online Form
  2. Step #2: Sports Liability Online Form (covers all sports for the 2019-20 school year)
  3. Step #3: FHSAA Sports Physical (must be emailed to OR a paper copy turned into the front office not coach). This is not the same as an annual health checkup.  

Boys Hockey
  • Coach Donnie Cordero
  • Signup Deadline: Sunday, March 22nd at Midnight
  • Tryouts: Monday, March 23rd at the Tampa Bay Baptist Center (15601 Lake Magdalene Blvd., Tampa FL 33613) from 4:30 - 6:00 PM
  • Practices (LP Parking Lot): Preseason - 3:00 - 5:00 PM on Mon/Wed, Season Practices: As necessary (Typically Wed)
  • Games (Typically Mon/Thurs): Monday April 6th first game
    • 10 game season and playoff week (6-7 week season)
    •  Home Site is Tom Memorial Outdoor Rink with alternate rink at Rowlett Park (20-30 Minutes)
REQUIRED BEFORE TRYOUTS: If your student/athlete is interested in trying out for the team;  the following THREE STEPS MUST BE COMPLETED by Sunday, March 22nd at midnight.

Please click on each link below:
  1. Step #1:  Tryout Registration Online Form
  2. Step #2: Sports Liability Online Form (covers all sports for the 2019-20 school year)
  3. Step #3: FHSAA Sports Physical (must be emailed to OR a paper copy turned into the front office not coach). This is not the same as an annual health checkup.  

Girls Hockey
  • Coach Gabe Valasquez
  • Signup Deadline: Monday March 23rd at Midnight
  • Tryouts: Tuesday, March 24th at the Tampa Bay Baptist Center (15601 Lake Magdalene Blvd., Tampa FL 33613) from 4:30 - 6:00 PM
  • Practices (LP Parking Lot): Preseason - 3:00 - 5:00 PM on Tues/Thurs, Season: As necessary (Typically Tues/Thurs)
  • Games (Typically Mon/Wed): Monday April 6th first game
    • 8 game season and playoff week (6-7 weeks)
    • Home Site is Tom Memorial Outdoor Rink with alternate rink at Rowlett Park (20-30 minutes away from LP)
    • Games will start between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM depending on the rink usage
REQUIRED BEFORE TRYOUTS: If your student/athlete is interested in trying out for the team;  the following THREE STEPS MUST BE COMPLETED by Monday, March 23nd at midnight.

Please click on each link below:
  1. Step #1:  Tryout Registration Online Form
  2. Step #2: Sports Liability Online Form (covers all sports for the 2019-20 school year)
  3. Step #3: FHSAA Sports Physical (must be emailed to OR a paper copy turned into the front office not coach). This is not the same as an annual health checkup. 

Seeking Gently Used Golf Equipment
It’s that time of year!  As many of you may be cleaning out the garage looking for holiday decorations, please be on the lookout!  The Lutz Prep PE Department is gearing up for our upcoming unit in GOLF

If you have ANY of the following items that could enhance the program we have planned, please consider donating to P.E.: 
  • Drivers - Pitching Wedges (left and right handed)
  • Real Golf Balls
  • Whiffle Golf Balls
  • Small target flags
  • Tees
Please contact to make arrangements if you have any items you can donate. Thank you!
Parks Lincoln Test Drive Event- Benefits to Lutz Prep with Every Test Drive
Plus One Volunteer Hour:  see Sign Up Genius
2020 Summer Programs at Lutz Preparatory School

All Camps Open to the Publiccampers DO NOT need to be students at Lutz Preparatory to attend.
Visit the Summer Camp Section of our website for full details and registration for all camps.

Vendor Camps Hosted Onsite at Our LP Campus - NEW CAMPS ANNOUNCED!
Check out the Campus Life\Summer Programs section of our school website for full listing of vendor camps offered! 

FSA & EOC Parent/Guardian Notification Letters Spring 2020
Please click on the respective grade level links below for FSA Informational Letters that will be sent home with students on Monday, March 9, 2020.  For future reference regarding FSA please continue to monitor the NEWSFLASH or visit the Assessment section of our website.

  • 3rd-6th Grades:  Grade 3, 4, 5, or 6 ELA Writing/ELA Reading/Mathematics Assessment 
  • 5th and 8th Grade:  Grade 5 or Grade 8 Statewide Science Assessment
  • 7th Grade:  Grade 7 Civics Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment 
  • 7th-8th Grade:  Grade 7 or 8 ELA Writing/ELA Reading/Mathematics and/or Algebra 1/Geometry End-of-Course EOC assessments 

Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we have begun the second part of the school year, we want to inform you of some key information regarding the upcoming spring assessments. Below you will find tentative testing dates for the grade levels and their respective assessments.  Please be aware that these dates are provided within testing “windows”, and they can change based on various factors.  State and district changes, unforeseen technology issues, and internal scheduling at Lutz Prep all can play a factor in altering testing dates and times.  While we make every attempt to communicate with families, teachers, and our students in order to be best prepared, we appreciate your flexibility and patience during this time. In addition, please note that during testing windows, we will be a ‘closed campus’ and no volunteering is available on campus.
Below are some good tips to help your child during testing:
  • Get a good night’s sleep
  • Eat a healthy breakfast before coming to school
  • Arrive to school ON TIME! Tardiness will affect your child’s testing schedule
  • Avoid scheduling appointments during the school day; limiting tardies and early sign outs
  • Remember to notify immediately if your child is ill
  • Reminder: Absolutely NO electronics allowed during testing (cell phones, smart watch/wrist phones, etc.)
  • Help reinforce academic integrity and that this is a snapshot of your child’s progress
  • Encourage them to do their best and not stress

**TENTATIVE** Testing Plan
Please note: Testing windows are determined by state regulations
**Reminder: These dates are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time**
3rd grade:
FSA ELA Reading (Paper)- April 1 & 2
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
4th grade:
FSA ELA Writing (Paper)- April 1
FSA ELA Reading (Paper)- May 5 & 6
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
5th grade:
FSA ELA Writing (Paper)- April 1
FSA ELA Reading (Paper)- May 5 & 6
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
Statewide Science Assessment (SSA) (Paper)- May 12 & 13
6th grade:
FSA ELA Writing (Paper)- April 1
FSA ELA Reading (Paper)- May 5 & 6
FSA Math (Paper)- May 7 & 8
7th grade: (Students will take ONE math assessment, based on course enrollment)
FSA ELA Writing (Computer Based Test)- April 1 OR 2testing window is 4/1 to 4/15
FSA ELA Reading (Computer Based Test)- week of May 4 - 8testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
FSA Math (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 4 - 15testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Algebra 1 EOC (Computer Based Test -FSA)- weeks of May 4 - 15testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Civics EOC (Computer Based Test -NGSSS)- May 15testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
8th grade: (Students will take ONE math assessment, based on course enrollment)
FSA ELA Writing (Computer Based Test)- April 1 OR 2testing window is 4/1 to 4/15
FSA ELA Reading (Computer Based Test)- week of May 4 - 8testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
FSA 8th gr Math (Computer Based Test)- weeks of May 4 - 15testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Algebra 1 EOC (Computer Based Test -FSA)- weeks of May 4 - 15testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Geometry EOC (Computer Based Test -FSA)- weeks of May 4 - 15testing window is 5/1 to 5/28
Statewide Science Assessment (SSA) (Paper)- May 12
**Reminder: These dates are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time**
Please note: Testing windows are determined by state regulations

Florida Department of Education Florida Standards Assessments Portal

The FSA portal is your source for information about the Florida Standards Assessments.

Florida’s K-12 assessment system measures students’ achievement of Florida’s education standards, which were developed and implemented to ensure that all students graduate from high school ready for success in college, career, and life. Assessment supports instruction and student learning, and test results help Florida’s educational leadership and stakeholders determine whether the goals of the education system are being met.

Please click HERE to link to the FDOE FSA Portal.

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