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March 2020                                     Newsletter                                      Vol 1 Issue 3
Empowering physician-scientists to launch successful research careers


March is Women's History Month, and OPSD is looking to you to highlight women in science that have made an impact in your life!

Ashton Spicer to be featured on twitter:
1. What does Women's History Month mean to you?
2. Who is your scientific "shero"

These are a few women at Duke who inspire us:

Top row: Karen L. "Kerry" Abrams, JD, Dean, School of Law; Valerie S. Ashby, PhD, Dean, Trinity College of Arts and Sciences; Marion E. Broome, PhD, Dean, School of Nursing; Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD, former Dean, School of Medicine
Bottom row: Judith Kelley, PhD, Dean, Sanford School of Public Policy; Mary E. Klotman, MD, Dean, School of Medicine; Paula D. McClain, PhD, Dean, Graduate School;  Toddi Steelman, PhD, Dean, Nicholas School of the Environment

Latest NIH, Internal, and VA funding opportunities...


Science & Society
A group of scientific communicators who want to help you and your research to have an effective voice in today's culture. 

Science & Society holds regular training sessions and talks including a monthly "SciComm Lunch-and-Learn" where you can hear about and discuss interesting aspects of science communication and its relevance to the role of science in society.

Check them out here.

Research Careers Ahead!
March 25, 4 p.m., Room 2001, DN
Featuring Karen Barton, MSLIS and Sarah Cantrell, MLIS
"Tracking Scholarship + Compliance: ORCID, SciENcv, and the NIH Public Access Policy"

Register here.

Write Winning NIH Grant Proposals (School of Medicine)
July 16th, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Located at the School of Nursing, Christine Siegler Pearson Building, Auditorium (room 1014)
John D. Robertson, PhD, Managing Member of Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops LLC will provide step-by-step instructions for how to craft a winning NIH grant proposal. Read on here.

Register here.

March Is Women's History Month
Click here for a list of influential female scientists from throughout history.
What's Next?
Basic Science Research Track
The Duke Clinical Research Training Program, in tandem with OPSD, has added a
Basic Science track to their Master of Health Sciences (MHSc) in Clinical Research starting Fall 2020. This track's curriculum is custom designed for physician scientists and trainees.

Now accepting applications: 

Want to attend for free?
OPSD is offering scholarships for TWO physician-scientists. Email us at with:
  • Your CV
  • Your Research Summary (1- 2 pages)
    • Statement of need including a description of the impact the BSRT degree program is expected to have on the applicant’s ability to move their research forward
    • An overview of the applicant’s research and career plans
  • A Letter of support from Mentor (for students and trainees) or Division Chief/Department Chair (for faculty) (1 page)

Tell us about your research.
The objective of my research in Dr. Chilkoti's lab is to develop portable, low-cost, diagnostic assays that could be used at "point-of-care" with minimal healthcare infrastructure. This entails combining techniques from various disciplines such as biointerface science, molecular biology, and device engineering."

Why is your science important?
The impact of our technology lies in the potential to democratize access to modern healthcare diagnostics, with the hope of enabling rapid identification of disease and hence timely treatment for people in limited resource settings."

If you could be anyone in the world for one day who would it be and why?
"An astronaut. Space is awesome."

If you would like research career mentoring from outside of your department sign up here.

If you have what it takes to be a great master mentor email us here.
Suggestions for what we should feature?
Contact us at:

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