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Our weekly newsletter aggregates our original articles, news from around the Web, and special content that you won't find anywhere else. Please stay tuned to our Twitter feed, Facebook, and YouTube Channel for other original content . . .  there is much more to come.

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Activist Post
5 Fundraisers That Need Your Help!
As the economy continues to worsen for the average person and the holidays are rapidly approaching, we know it's difficult to find the extra money to donate to info warriors and starving activists with so many other important charities in need.  But unfortunately for anti-establishment causes, sometimes there is simply no other way to survive without passionate viewer support.
(read more)

J.G. Vibes
7 Billion Beautiful People
Last week the United Nations announced that the world is now inhabited by 7 billion human beings. This news was accompanied by an onslaught of media propaganda relating to the so-called “overpopulation” issue. This kind of hysteria is nothing new; the imagined overpopulation crisis has been used by elites for over 200 years to justify their mistreatment of the general public. However, the Earth's human population actually has very little to do with the scarcity that exists on this planet. (read more)

Other Key Articles to Read and Distribute

Domestic Politics, Occupy Movement, Police State

The ‘banxodus’ has begun
Second veteran hospitalized in police crackdown on Occupy Oakland
Madison Ruppert

FEMA’s Unprecedented Nationwide EAS Test
Owen Myles

Why I am an Abolitionist
Janet Phelan

3 Reasons Central Banking is a Plague on our Economy
J.G. Vibes

Amerika The Baleful
Richard William Posner

Health News, Vaccine Information, Survival, Environment

GMO Crops Require More Pesticides, Create Resistant Insects
Biotech Corporations and GMO Crops: The Real Threat
Government Ignored Report Finding Cancer Deaths from TSA Scanners
Anthony Gucciardi

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Unleashed -- Concerns Grow
Mike Barrett

Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, and the Big Pharma Cover-up
Brandon Turbeville

Is there Really a Difference Between Legal and Illegal Drugs?
Andre Evans

15 Tips to Keep you Comfortable During a Power Outage
Gaye Levy

12 Mistakes That Welcome a Home Invasion
George Ure and Gaye Levy

Global Politics, Revolution, War, Propaganda

The Western assault on Iran has begun
Syrian government decries America’s ‘blatant interference’ in uprising
Madison Ruppert

Libya: The Globalist Attack on National Sovereignty
Ethan Jacobs, J.D.

Attack on Iran: Hitlerian Act of Aggression
Tony Cartalucci

Please visit the Activist Post Archive to read more than 1,600 other original articles

Weekly Series: The Creature From Jekyll Island


We believe that the information contained in G. Edward Griffin's seminal book is essential in understanding how our financial world has been imploded by a banking elite that seeks to consolidate control into even fewer hands and end the prospect of self-directed economic freedom.  Please read these weekly chapter summaries and share with everyone you know -- especially your children.  This book is an incredibly interesting detective story about the history of money that successfully overcomes the hurdle of dry economics and history textbooks.  This is a book that should be on every shelf, and should be taught in every school.  BUY HERE

Ron Paul: Champion of the Constitution

Immortal Technique Exposes NWO in New FREE ALBUM!

Occupying Occupy Gainesville

11/6/2011 — Evidence that Oklahoma is having a MAN MADE earthquake swarm

Study: Magic Mushrooms Caused "Sustained Positive Changes in Behavior"

Audio of Jesse Ventura's Statement, Press Conference About TSA Court Case

Damn it Feels Good to be a Banksta!

World War 3: A Foregone Conclusion?

Minister Farrakhan on Ron Paul, The Federal Reserve & The ADL

Lew Rockwell on Euro Debt Crisis: Decentralization is the Solution

Mobile Permaculture Design Lab at Occupy Wall Street

Spy Within: UK Big Brother wants eye on social networks

Big Sis to Monitor Twitter
New Surveillance System Can Turn Off Mobile Phones
Training for Drone Robot Soldiers Nearly Complete
Spending Spree on Nuclear Weapons as Economy Crashes
Media Ignoring Veterans' Call For Impeachment
FL Man Arrested for Filming Police in Public

*AFFILIATE -- Home Defense & Family Protection

TX Family Court Judge Recorded Beating Own Daughter
Michigan City Broke: Turns off Lights
Jesse Ventura Blasts U.S. Govt. -- Running for President?
CPS Seizes Baby from Occupy Dallas

The Great Unravelling. The tipping point has been reached, and we are being flooded with amazing submissions and comments which reveal that people have had enough of the so-called powers-that-be, and are ready to face this false construction head-on.  It can't be said better than Zen Gardner put it this week in an article framed by a rhetorical question: Are The Elites On The Run?  They most definitely are, as Zen states: "An awakened populace is the enemy of the would-be Controllers. The war on terror is a war on human freedom by a dystopian state structure disguising itself as a protecting surrogate parent from an enemy of their own making. It's all by assumption and generations of conditioning. But the veil is coming off. Thanks to their own military invention called the Internet millions are discovering the full truth."

Action.  Nothing specific -- just participate in any way you can toward crossing the bridge ahead.  Perhaps it is through personal transformation of mind and body, or talking to your neighbor, or deciding to embark on a new adventure to another area or country.  The world is much larger, more diverse, and less scary than our parental government would like us to believe.  So, try being a revolutionary and explore . . . .
We want to help contribute to the mass awakening that is taking place.  The mainstream media is part of a system that aims to keep people ignorant and unquestioning.  It is essential that information continues to flow from the alternative media, so that opposing viewpoints can be heard.  The global movement toward Internet censorship is troubling.  We are optimistic, though, because history shows that all attempts to oppress free humanity are doomed to failure.  However, we can no longer remain passive; the period of cold, creeping tyranny that legislates its way into power is over.  When oppression reaches this "hot" stage, we need activists.  The next period will be defined by how well we are able to overcome our conditioning and resist what we know in our hearts is the wrong course.  You can become active through education, spreading the word, but, most importantly, practice what you preach.  Tyranny is no match for freedom.

Liberty, Love, and Peace will Prevail!

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