
Utah Beer News 🍻 March 2020

Colors Abound.

Tim Haran | Utah Beer NewsA few lilies, irises, and other perennials are peeking through the soil in my backyard, a sure sign that spring is just around the corner. 

Soon, a colorful array will blanket flowerbeds in Utah. Until then, two specific colors are on my mind.
  • Go Green: St. Patrick's Day, a beer holiday if ever there was one, will be celebrated all weekend (and into next week, thanks to the holiday falling on a Tuesday this year).
  • Pink Boots: Also right now, as they do annually, Pink Boots Society chapters across the country (including one in Utah) are brewing beers with a special hops blend.
NOTE: I put together much of this e-newsletter before things got crazy with cancelations en masse starting late Wednesday. More than ever, it's best to confirm event dates, times and locations with individual organizers.

That said...

☘️ In terms of St. Patrick's Day activities (beer-related, of course), here are a few that caught my eye.
  • St. Patrick’s Day Weekend at Bewilder Brewing starts on March 13 and continues through next Tuesday. Bewilder plans to release three new beers and introduce new food specials. Plus, you can get a green glitter beer (if that’s your thing) on Saturday and Tuesday. Prizes and games a-plenty.
  • The 4th West Fest St. Patrick’s Day Party will take place on March 14 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at The Garten. Where else will you have the opportunity to race friends in a burlap sack? This is fun for the whole family.
  • The St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl on March 14 features stops at Shades Brewing, Dented Brick Distillery, and Beehive Distilling. Festivities start at 3 p.m. and Emily Merrell will be playing live at Shades at 8 p.m.
As for the Pink Boots Society, women brewers from several Utah breweries donned the required footwear and went to work brewing with the "Pink Boots Blend" of Azacca®, El Dorado®, Idaho Gem™, and Loral® hops.

The blend features "tropical, citrus and piney aromatic qualities," according to Yakima Chief Hops, which donates $3 per pound sold to the Pink Boots Society scholarship fund.

The Utah Chapter met at Proper Brewing on March 7 to brew a Zwickelbier. Here are a few other links to Pink Boots Society brew-day pics I came across: Locally, you're able to sample Pink Boots Society collaboration brews and more on April 5. The Garten in Salt Lake City is hosting a 21+ "Tap Takeover," with proceeds benefiting the Pink Boots Society. All the details can be found here.

By the way, the latest episode of the Crafty Beer Girls Podcast features representatives from the Utah chapter of Pink Boots Society talking about the organization, what they have planned for this year, and more. It's a fantastic episode! Give it a listen.

Hello Again & Welcome

If this is your first time receiving this monthly dispatch, welcome! If you're a longtime subscriber, thank you for sticking with it. As always, feel free to drop a line to let me know what you think.

Currently Drinking: As I write, I'm sipping a Smoked Jalapeño Porter from 2-Row Brewing. How about you?



Coming Soon: March Madness ... Utah Beer News Style

March Madness | Utah Beer News
We matched up eight beers from eight different Utah breweries in a March Madness-style bracket challenge. Which brew displayed guts and determination, overcame adversity, and outlasted the competitors to taste that oh-so-sweet victory? Visit next week to find out.

🎙 BONUS:  Listen to the play-by-play as Dave Baker and Tim Haran, using their tastebuds as their playbook, whittle the field from eight to one in the latest episode of the Utah Beer News Podcast.
Available Next Week

🎙 Utah Beer News Podcast

The Utah Beer News podcast provides another avenue for us to tell stories about the Utah beer community. We'd love for you to subscribe, take a listen, and let us know what you think!

Ogden Beer: A Thriving Craft Beer Scene in Northern Utah

Ogden Beer | Utah Beer News

While Ogden might not have the concentration of breweries as does Salt Lake, it still has a lot to offer for those seeking tasty, independent craft beer in Utah. The Ogden Beer Scene is becoming a boomtown for beer lovers.

Northern Delights

Special Delivery: A Grab Bag of Utah Beer News

In Episode 31 of the Utah Beer News Podcast, we stray from our typical format. No field trip, no guests — just Tim.

Here's what you can expect (with approximate timestamps in parentheses):
  • Utah Beer News Survey: Results and Analysis (1:58 – 14:30)
    • Nearly 200 Utah beer drinkers responded to our annual survey at the end of January. You can read about some of the key findings, but I go into additional detail in the podcast episode.
    • Get the complete rundown of favorite beer styles and favorite local breweries.
    • Gather insight into a few trends people are stoked about — and several trends they wish would disappear.
    • Listen to me answer some constructive feedback I received as part of the survey.
  • Recent & Upcoming on the Site (14:40 – 17:00)
    • If you’re an infrequent visitor to, here’s what you’ve missed (and what you can look forward to).
  • Most-Read Articles of 2019 (17:10 – 21:35)
    • A snapshot of the five most-read articles on in 2019. The articles feature brewery profiles, law changes, beer and board games, and more.
🎙Give a Listen 🎙

Beer News & Notes

Each month, I gather beer-related news to share with Utah Beer News email subscribers. Much of what's mentioned in this space is obtained from social sites, taproom visits, email newsletters, etc. (and a few are sent directly to me — hint, hint).

There's a lot happening in the world of Utah craft beer! I hope you find this monthly roundup helpful. Feel free to share it with your beer-loving friends.
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Reminder: It's always best to confirm event dates, times and locations with the individual organizers.
  • Happy anniversary to Proper Brewing Co. The Salt Lake brewery is celebrating its four-year anniversary with a circus-themed party on March 12 at 7 p.m.
  • Birds & Brew: Lights Out Launch is happening at Tracy Aviary on March 12 at 6 p.m. Learn about the significance of a dark, night sky for humans and wildlife while enjoying a pint of beer (Fisher Brewing) or glass of wine. Tickets are $20.
  • Drink beer and fight cancer during the Huntsman Heroes March Madness fundraising events. They're happening 6-8:30 p.m. at Kiitos Brewing on March 12 and T.F. Brewing on March 19.
  • If you’d like to learn how to homebrew, the Hop Bombshells will be conducting a Homebrew 101 class at Bewilder Brewing on March 12.
  • Each Tuesday through March, Roosters B Street Brewery is hosting Game Night Live trivia. The fun starts at 6:30 p.m.
  • Speaking of Roosters, the Ogden brewery is helping to support those impacted by the Australian Bushfires. It’s brewing a special beer and donating proceeds to the Australian Red Cross. It’s similar to what hundreds of breweries (including Salt Flats and Uinta) did following the fires in California in 2018).
  • Basin Days is set for March 14-15 and March 21-22 on Earl’s Patio at Snowbasin Resort. Beer starts flowing at 11 a.m. and free music begins at 2 p.m.
  • Head farther north to help Idaho celebrate the 10th Annual Gate City Brewfest in Pocatello on March 14.
  • The Brewery Comedy Tour visits SaltFire Brewing on March 18 and The Garten on March 20.
  • Ogden is readying for its annual Spring Beer Fest on March 21 at Union Station.
  • Happy anniversary to Level Crossing Brewing Co. It’s celebrating its first year in business with a party on March 28 at 2 p.m. Live music and a small-batch beer release are on tap.
  • Have you checked out the recently remodeled RoHa Brewing Project taproom? Very nice. And here’s a cool little promo video to boot.
  • The “Brew To-Do List” for Utah recently received an update. It's a handy guide.
  • Silver Reef Brewing in St. George modified its to-go store hours, with a note on Facebook saying it hopes to open its taproom by September 2020. It also is selling its own bourbon and rum at the Silver Reef Company Store.
  • Speaking of new hours, it appears Shades Brewing will now be open on Sundays (12-7 p.m.).
  • Like to track your beers socially? UnTappd acquired Beer Advocate, via Brewbound.
  • The Red Rock Beer Store got some of those fancy new crowlers.
  • Remember how we mentioned the Provo City Council cleared the way to allow brewpubs to operate in certain areas of the city? Well, not so fast, my friend… via The Salt Lake Tribune
  • Utah House Bill 399, which involves several pieces of alcohol legislation, is on its way to the governor's desk, according to the Utah Brewers Guild.
  • Here's a fairly in-depth look at Uinta Brewing, via Brewbound.
  • 'Wine of the Month' clubs may be coming to Utah, via FOX-13.
  • Save the Date: The Made in Utah Brewers Fest is scheduled to be held at The Gateway on May 9. And the 11th Annual Utah Beer Festival will take place Aug. 15-16 at the Utah State Fairpark.
And finally...
  • Are we seeing an end to the current craft beer boom? I hope not, but we are seeing some ominous headlines lately, via Brewbound.
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