Hello beautiful soul.

How do I know your soul is beautiful? Because beauty is the essence we are made up of... stardust...animated creation... we are exquisite, brilliant birthed seeds of the multiverse.
uh huh!!!  
That's good stuff to remember!! Especially when those oh-so-familiar blocks arise again. That contractive pattern that just keeps repeating... cycling 'round and 'round... inhibiting you from ever "landing". How we long to land. to feel stable and secure. to feel aligned and meaningful... relaxed. supported. exhaling deeply. taking in nourishment. fulfillment... satiation. 

Ever feel yourself shrinking?? It sure feels like shrinking to me... back down into what's comfortable... but its actually not comfortable at all!!! The growth process sure feels uncomfortable though. It brings up so much and it's so easy to distract from... yet that's exactly what instills the subconscious self-sabotage pattern of "staying small"... habitual distraction. It's usually right after you make a HUGE power-move... when you take one step (or a leap) towards your true voice of authentic creative expression coming to life... coming through you, as you. Then that habitual shrinking again... and why? We could call it an "upper limit problem" or simply that the system hasn't been primed properly to expand one's internal capacity to receive. 

Good news! Once you really see yourself, you can make different choices... choices that are in alignment with that which is truly in your highest and best good.

Wouldn't it be helpful if we all had the tools to be our own life coaches (and healers, at that)? Of course, external accountability and support is very important, yet wouldn't we see a profound shift in our own lives if we changed our internal channels toward being our own life coaches, to really believing in ourselves... to taking proper actions that  help to align our lives with our dreams.  My new program is about this... how to be your own life coach (and birth your dreams). 

The gorgeous thing is, on this path, there is truly so much beauty...
every. single. thing. has. beauty. in. it. 
sometimes its incredibly challenging to see beauty in certain parts or moments of our lives... but once we actively choose to unwind and integrate our lives, space begins to open up inside that was previously contracted (i.e. blocked), and you can begin to see that your soul has been a part of you the whole time... guiding you home

When we are able to shift our perspectives to seeing that, our lives come to life. Meaning, this shift in perspective actually aligns and opens your system-- so that your central column (the shushumma nadi) can expand it's capacity to receive Life energy... when this happens, Life actually seeds Itself through you. If you can maintain energetic alignment, that same Life energy will continue to fill you up and nourish you so that seed of Creation begins to grow and take form... then It births through you, and soon after It will externally nourish you, as well. This is Creation Optimization, and it's what I teach. 

I am so excited (and totally nervous, because it's my edge of expansion) to be teaching this Creation Optimization model in the upcoming 8-week Directional Clarity and Creation Activation Program, which begins on the Spring Equinox (such a potent seeding time for us), March 19th. There are still seven spots available to join in (and the $200 discount is still active for a few more days, plus the bonuses). This program is a creation that has birthed into form from my soul/full self... I received such a major download during my pregnancy and postpartum... and now, my baby is turning 1-year-old today, and I am celebrating him as such a magnificent creation!! The time with this beautiful soul has up-leveled me greatly... and I am excited and honored to share with you what has come through me. it is powerful.

I've also kept up the 4 livestream videos from the 4-day Directional Clarity challenge, too. ... wow, did that blow my mind. I'm happy to share it with you as a resource!! 

Thanks for being there and reading my message. I truly appreciate you. 

Destiny Love 
cannot believe it's been a year already!
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