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Today is the day! Please consider a gift to support CPEP for Giving Day.

With your help, we can achieve our goal of raising $10,000 in 24 hours.

Every gift makes a difference to our important work: bringing college courses taught by Cornell to students in prisons throughout our region.

7 Reasons to Give to CPEP Today

  1. Economics: $1 spent on education in prison saves taxpayers $4. 
  2. Perspective: Studying history, literature, mathematics, etc., gives incarcerated students greater understanding the world, themselves, and their potential.
  3. Success Outside: People who take college classes in prison are better prepared to succeed once they get out.
  4. Recidivism Rates: Motivated, knowledgable people are less likely to wind up back in prison.
  5. Caring: Cornell's Prison Education Program changes the lives of its students, volunteers, teachers, extended families, and beyond.
  6. 1:1 Match: Thanks to a generous anonymous donor who has provided $5,000 in matching funds, you gift to CPEP will be doubled!
  7. The Good Kind of Viral: Cornell's Giving Day is not just important for the funds it raises for great programs at Cornell, it's also a wonderful way to spread the word far and wide. Make a gift, tell your friends, share the love. 
Give to CPEP
Copyright © 2020 Cornell Prison Education Program, All rights reserved.

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