St. James Episcopal Church

COVID-19: St. James Plan for Parish Safety

March 12, 2020
Dear St. James,
We realize that there is much anxiety surrounding the now-named COVID-19 pandemic as cases are now being reported in our region. In an effort not to react out of our anxiety while keeping in mind the gravity of the situation, we are taking advice of medical authorities to make certain necessary precautions.
We recognize that COVID-19 can be carried and spread by persons who have no symptoms and that it is extremely dangerous to those with compromised immune systems and others at risk (including those over the age of 60) who constitute a large portion of our congregation. We will, therefore, err on the side of caution at St. James.
With the aim of reducing the spread of the virus and protecting our own from illness, please be aware of the following updates to our worship practices and other occasions for gathering both on Sunday and during the week.
All persons are asked to remain home if they have a fever or any respiratory symptoms. 
  • Pews will be wiped down with disinfectant prior to each service. If you arrive early for services, please consider helping us with this important preventative measure.
  • Offering plates will not be passed during the service. Offering baskets will be in the narthex as you enter.
  • The CDC recommends social distancing, which means avoiding physically touching others and allowing some space between yourself and others. Please refrain from shaking hands or embracing at the Peace. As we recognize one another as the Body of Christ, consider verbally offering the Peace, holding your hands in prayer at your chest and bowing, or show some other sign of peace.
  • Bread and wine will be blessed at the altar. The presider will receive the cup on behalf of the congregation. At this time, only bread will be distributed. The Church recognizes the efficacy of communion in one kind, which is to say, receiving only bread is in no way a compromised sacrament. For now, we will not commune directly into the mouth.
  • Communion will be served from the floor of the nave to prevent close proximity at the rail. While St. James has a tradition of kneeling at the altar, both standing and kneeling are considered appropriate postures for receiving communion and both are widely practiced across the Episcopal Church. We will return to the rail when the threat of the virus abates.
  • For the usual “Coffee Hour” after services, we will not be offering coffee or food. We will offer bottles of water, however.
  • Sermons are already made available on our website ( every week. We are making plans to “live-stream” the 10:30am service as an additional way to connect with the community should you need to stay away.
We hope that these safety measures will only be temporary. However, this is an evolving situation and we will update our plan and practices as directed by health experts and Church officials. We are establishing a plan for ongoing spiritual support and parish connection should we be asked to quarantine.
If COVID-19 has taught us anything already it is that we are truly connected with every living soul on the planet. Please continue to say your prayers for the whole human family as we uphold one another through the coming weeks.
In Christ,
Fr John Mark Wiggers & Fr RJ Powell

St. James Episcopal Church
The Rev. John Mark Wiggers, Rector


See you in church!

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