Please accept this letter as a call to prayer and to act wisely and prudently in the face of the immanent threat posed by the spread of the coronavirus known as COVID-19.
The Apostle Paul made this passionate plea to Timothy and all Christians who came after:
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
The Lord our God is the source of government and human knowledge. Christ’s Church is called to lift up in prayer heads of state, legislative bodies, and departments within governments who are responsible for healthcare. Our prayers and petitions should call upon God to:
Defend all people in this time of tribulation and distress, that we, in communion with the Church and in unity with all Christian people, may fight the good fight of faith, and in the end receive the fullness of salvation.
Show Himself to be a helper of the sick and the needy, the comforter of the forsaken and distressed;
Bless all who are in authority with wisdom, passion and patience and act to protect the citizens they govern from this pestilence;
Guide scientists and researchers as they seek a cure for this pestilence;
Guide physicians and nurses and all those you have called to practice the arts of healing. To strengthen them by God’s life-giving Spirit, so that, by their ministries, the health of all people may be promoted and God’s creation may be glorified;
Calm our fears around this disease so that we in turn can offer hope, comfort, faith and the promise of the resurrection to people around us who may seized with fear.
With all these prayers and petitions offered through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!
Jesus calls his disciples to be shrewd and innocent. “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16) It is therefore imperative that we inform ourselves of the risks and precautions we can take so that Christ’s “light can shine before men” through us.
For up-to-date information on COVID19, its spread and precautions that can be taken, please consult the Health Canada website:
May God bless us all through this challenging time.
In Christ
Pastor Ed Skutshek, President
CALC’s congregations should be following the best practices in our worship and our fellowship, especially for the sake of the “least of these” among us, the most vulnerable to this and other diseases. The following are recommended to you for preventing the transmission of the disease.
Self isolation:
People experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, especially a fever, should stay home and avoid contact with others until symptoms cease. Thoroughly washing hands and avoiding contact between unwashed hands and mouth, nose and eyes, and sneezing or coughing into your sleeve or a tissue, are the most effective ways of preventing infection.
The following are recommended as guidelines that could govern our public worship:
Greeting one another, including sharing the peace, should be expressed in ways that are comfortable for each person, however, should not include shaking hands or embracing, but could include elbow bumps, a bow, nod, or smile.
Hand sanitizer should be readily available in and around our worship and other gathering spaces for everyone’s use.
Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces according to local health guidelines in our public spaces of worship and gathering, especially washrooms, door handles, handrails, is recommended.
Those preparing Holy Communion should thoroughly wash their hands with soap and hot water and all vessels and containers must be carefully washed before and after worship as well.
Presiders and Communion assistants should thoroughly wash their hands with soap and hot water or hand sanitizer just before serving Communion.
Medical advice informs us that the common cup, when properly administered, continues to be a hygienically sound means of receiving the wine in Holy Communion. A metal chalice wiped inside and outside and turned between each person communing is the best practise. Please note that ceramic chalices are not as hygienically sound.
Congregations that use individual glasses for Communion should ensure that good hygienic practices are followed by all persons who handle the glasses both before and after worship.
The practice of intinction (dipping the bread in the wine) is not recommended. But if used, worshipers need to take care that hands are clean and touching the wine is avoided.
People who are uncomfortable or anxious about receiving the wine in Holy Communion, regardless of the means, should be reminded that it is entirely appropriate to commune by receiving the bread only.
An extreme risk of transmission in a local community may require the temporary practise of communing with bread only. Local health authorities should be consulted in making this decision.
In addition, appropriate food safe practices, including thorough hand washing, washing of dishes, careful preparing and serving of food and beverages should be followed for all gatherings for hospitality and community together. Consult local government health authorities for best information and training as appropriate.
It is National Council’s prayer that the concerns around COVID19 will not cause our people to shrink back. We pray that our Lenten studies and worship will be faithfully and enthusiastically received and attended. We are called to trust in God’s continuing care for all as we face the health challenge before us.