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A Stark Difference

Issue No. 72

Hey there friends,

Here are our recommended reads of the week. And if this was forwarded to you, sign up here! Got your coffee or tea ready? ☕️

Around the web


Stop using Material Design Text Fields

"you can't rely on UI libraries to get form fields right, even if they are popular and backed by giants. Most UI libraries, even browser native form fields, will allow options or combinations of options that you shouldn't use. You really need to become familiar with the characteristics of usable forms before using any UI library for them.

Learning about form usability and accessibility will enable you to find suitable libraries, and know how to use them without harming usability and accessibility. It will also help if you end up creating your own UI, should you choose to go down that route."

We're currently working on a big project at Stark for the web, and had this exact same conversation. Much like you, the questions that floated around were:

* What are best practices?
* Based on the way screen readers work, is placeholder text in addition to a form label better or worse?
* Why don't people put labels above their form fields?!

Forms are so simple visually, but have you noticed that they're also one of the biggest reasons for leaks in a funnel? When creating them, reconsider your approach and whether or not the reason people drop off is simply because they can't see or navigate them.


Testing accessibility with real people

"the most critical difference between web 1.0 accessibility techniques and ARIA is that web 1.0 techniques do not provide assistive technologies with the semantic information that distinguishes a link from a tree node or menu item or any other GUI element. Without this rich semantic information, assistive technologies are hamstrung. They cannot guide interactions. They cannot produce alternative renderings in service of their specific users’ limitations. This puts the most novice and most challenged users at the greatest disadvantage."


Vision Australia launches world leading Code Jumper for blind children

"Designed originally by Microsoft and developed by American Printing House, Code Jumper assists 7-11 year olds, regardless of their level of vision, to learn the basics of computer coding and programming skills. A tactile system of oversized buttons, knobs and cords, means that students learn by touching and listening, exciting the hands as well as the imagination."

From Stark

🖤 Community love of the week 

Thanks so much for the newsletter love, Greyson MacAlpine! Love knowing so many folks are benefitting from the content we find around the world on this big important topic.

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