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Mission statement of the ITC: the reason for its existence

To serve humanity as a Spiritual Study and Retreat Centre, inviting people to work on the process of inner transformation.

What is unique about the ITC Naarden? (text still under consideration of the Council)

Since 1925 a wide range of uplifting activities has largely contributed to the uniqueness and very special atmosphere of the ITC. This Centre, in reality a ‘portal’, provides a focus on the finer energies which greatly contribute to its sense of ‘wholeness’ and ‘sacredness’. Visitors and participants of activities, when receptive to its quietness and openness, can thus be greatly helped and inspired. Hence the unique role of ITC Naarden.

Consecration of the new Dutch Chief Knight of Round Table

On Saturday 4 January 2020 the consecration and installation of Heleen van Beusekom as the new Chief Knight of the Order of Round Table took place. She took over this function from Erik van Beers. All participants experienced a very strong energy during this special ceremony. Those who believe that a ceremony specifically intended for and executed by young people of six years and older cannot be powerful, probably never have had the occasion of attending a Round Table ceremony. By the way: there is a possibility to attend these ceremonies by contacting the Knight in charge of one of the three Tables you might wish to visit (Naarden, Utrecht, Den Haag). The Order of Round Table has been very committed to the ITC: these young people of today might be our future workers. For more information see

Ceremonial planting of the first tree in the Garden of Remembrance

On January 5th, Heleen van Beusekom organized the ceremony of planting the first tree in the Garden of Remembrance (GOR), that presently is in a state of renovation. Before this ceremony, the ITC Chairman gave a short introduction of the history of the Garden. Then a Round Table ceremony started in the Besant Hall, where planting earth was consecrated and dedicated to the King.

After this members and guests walked to the Garden in procession. Passing by the LCC chapel, other friends joined for whom consecrated earth was available as well. Heleen, on our request, creatively included the Universal Mantram of Annie Besant in the ceremony, asking questions to the Knights of Love, Wisdom and Strength, who then one-by-one replied:

O hidden life, vibrant in every atom

O hidden light, shining in every creature

O hidden love, embracing all in oneness

After this the Chief Knight said: May each who feels himself as one with thee, know he is therefore one with every other.

Then a young page (the first of the four developmental stages in RT), read a poem of the mystic Rumi: In this earth, in this soil, in this pure field, let's not plant any seed other than seeds of compassion and love, after which the first hand of consecrated earth was placed into the planting hole.

The Chief Knight and the Chairman of ITC planted the first tree together. Then all participants added the consecrated soil, the Chief Knight keeping the tree in place. On the image below you can see the Chief Knight with the oldest and youngest members of Round Table.

Further work in the Garden

The pictures below give an impression of the GOR during the years. Most of the new young trees have now been planted. The circle in the middle has been restored. This feels as being important as well, the circle has a strong energy. The pebble stones on the paths will be replaced by the chopped wood of the former trees, and a small bench is placed so that people can sit and meditate.

Welcome to attend the consecration of the Garden on 4 April

During the spring camp of Round Table (which is the first weekend in April) the renovated Garden will be consecrated with a special ceremony, developed by Parcival (Liberal Catholic Church, LCC) and Heleen (RT). Their friendliness and open cooperation is a very positive sign for the future work on the ITC. If you wish you are welcome to attend this ceremony on 4 April at 14:00.

Friends Day on 11 January

The yearly day for Friends of the ITC was held in Lotus House. The day started with words of thanks to Michiel Haas who has really done a great job for this beautiful and brand-new building. The Chairman of the ITC talked about the intense deliberations and preparations in the process of renovating the Garden of Remembrance because of the finer energies present there. As an illustration old photographs of the LCC Church(es), Besant Hall and the construction of this beautiful ceremonial garden (where amongst others some of the ashes of Annie Besant have been buried) were shown.

After this Parcival van Gessel talked about the respectful way of enquiry of and working with the finer energies of the GOR (and on other spots on the compound of the ITC). This work has been done in close cooperation with Kurt Leland last summer.

Ingmar the Boer talked about other interesting aspects of the ITC: the geometry in the gardens and the ley-lines at the ITC and its surroundings. The GOR is positioned at the centre of these lines, that usually attract spiritual activities, and are places where temples and churches have been built. It appeared that there has been a Venus mount opposite the road, where probably centuries ago Freya ceremonies were conducted. There still is a Venus path near the ITC.

Manja van der Toorn talked about the experiences of the Renting Office in the new situation with Lotus House. Modern sustainable Lotus House offers a completely different concept than the removed traditional basic Arundale House. Someone underlined the importance of supporting the work for the ITC, by amongst others paying the yearly financial contribution being a 'Friend of the Centre'.

Study day on Latent Powers in Humankind 15 February

The second Dutch study day attracted over a hundred participants: the subject seems to be relevant for a lot of people. Gert Jan van der Steen, bishop of the LCC, gave an introduction on what happens during ceremonies, rituals and initiations. Sacrifice plays an important role, through which the divine order can be restored. Then Jan Taal talked about the healing power of imagination. Modern imagination therapy could help people with cancer. Through psychosynthesis, as developed by the Italian theosophist Roberto Assagioli (1888-1974), people can come into contact with inner places where they feel safe, and then gradually with aspects of pain or sorrow. Mona Irrmischer talked about the effect of meditation and the importance of frequent meditation on our brain and body. Scientific research on this topic is increasing fast. Finally, Laurie Faro took us on a journey with a family who lost their father, and where the young children were actively involved in the funeral rituals. As a result, the children felt included in the ‘community’ of those who mourn. The next Study day will be on 9 May, the subject being Working with energies.

International Programs Powers Latent in Humankind

After three study days in the Dutch language we are very pleased to offer two exciting international seminars next June. First, a range of top-class lecturers will explore the subject from different angles. This will be followed by a seminar with Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, Spiritual Powers in Humankind. More information about these seminars can be found on our site. Please register in time, because the number of places is limited.

Friends of the Centre, please remember to transfer your yearly support

So far, we have always been reluctant to remind our Friends to pay their annual financial contributions. However, after the rather expensive newly built Lotus House, your contributions are more than welcome. Our 'Friends of the Centre' (written with a capital F), agreeing with and supporting the aims of the Centre, committed themselves to a yearly voluntary contribution (now € 50). Please support our work and become a Friend of the Centre as well!

Important dates for your diary

For more information: (see activities agenda)

April, 4
14:00 Consecration of the Garden of Remembrance 

May, 9 
Working with Energies (Dutch)

June, 12 - 14
Exploring the Powers Latent in Humanity, symposium (English)

June, 15 - 19
Spiritual Powers in Humankind. seminar with Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu (English)

October, 3
Between Death and Birth (1) (Dutch)

November, 7
The Supernatural Nature (Dutch)

February, 20
Between Death and Birth (1) (Dutch)

April, 17
New Forms of Spirituality (Dutch)

June, 11-13
Adventures in Consciousness: Developing Our Latent Powers as a Spiritual Practice, seminar with Kurt Leland

October, 1 - 10
Meditation, Contemplation and Prayer, European School of Theosophy, school and retreat (English)

Projects you might wish to support financially

Lotus House: for European donations use the IBAN account-number NL42 ABNA 0475 4536 46 of Stichting St. Michael, BIC/SWIFT code ABNANL2A.

Olcott Fund: a small fund for travel expenses of lecturers, and scholarships for participants during ITC seminars. Donations payable to St. Michael's Foundation (see footer) mentioning Olcott Fund.

Maintenance of the Garden of Remembrance: please mention GOR.

General information: For payments outside Europe you are advised to make 'payments with shared costs'. This means that both parties share relatively low domestic costs. Within Europe be sure, whenever possible, to use a SEPA conform transfer, using IBAN and BIC (SWIFT), without any transaction costs. 

Copyright © 2020, All rights reserved.

St. Michael's Foundation of the International Theosophical Centre
Valkeveenselaan 19 - 1411 GT Naarden - The Netherlands
Telephone +31-(0)35-6945121 - - Email:
KvK 41192395 - IBAN NL42 ABNA 0475 4536 46 - BIC/SWIFT ABNANL2A

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