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Dear Friends,

I've caught myself thinking a few times since beginning to shelter in place, "How strange that I'm alive to see this happen. Why me?" And then I remember, that for most humans who have ever lived, the economic and political stability that I've taken for granted and the everyday comforts and securities I rely on for feelings of safety and wellness simply weren't a reality. This is the underlying condition that all beings share: the world is impermanent and the mind is habitually seeking for safety and solidity in things that cannot provide them. This is why we practice.

When we embrace the suffering in life, together in practice, we can meet what comes with patience and joy. We ground in a deep sense of our interbeing nature. Compassion and kindness are born, and we are nourished by walking the path with others.

So let's continue to practice energetically and joyfully. To help us all come together, we've moved some of our sessions to online. Others that are far enough into the future, we are still hoping to have at the Mariposa Institute, but are preparing the conditions for moving those online as well. See details below.

Dear friends, thank you for being there. I am thinking of Thay's teaching that practicing mindfulness is like coming home, and I am faithful that as we all shelter in our homes, taking care of ourselves and those close to us, our practice is making the world a better place.

Sugarplum Sangha invites the local and extended community for a day to dwell deeply in the present moment. Days of Mindfulness are opportunities to linger with the peace and freedom of nothing to do and nowhere to go.

Time & Location

Mar 29, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
via Zoom. Link send the day before event.

Join the Sugarplum Sangha from the comfort of your own home for a day long practice of sitting meditation, walking meditation, mindful eating, total relaxation, dharma teachings, and deep listening and loving speech. Guided by the practices of the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism facilitated by experienced community members, we'll dwell deeply in the present moment cultivating peace and freedom and touching the wonders of life in the here and now.

Below is the schedule(ish) for the day. For a full day of rest and meditation, we recommend you follow the whole schedule, logging in to join communally for any of the online components and practice the at home components individually or with anyone you are sheltering with. A zoom link will be sent to those who RSVP to join online. 

9:00 am Guided Sitting Meditation (online)

9:50 am Walking Meditation (at home)

11:00 am Sitting Meditation (online)

12:00 pm Mindful Lunch (at home)

1:30 pm Total Relaxation (online)

2:15 pm Personal Time (at home)

2:45 pm Dharma Talk (online)

3:30 pm Deep Listening and Loving Speech (online)

*please plan on arriving by 8:55 am to get settled before the first session of sitting

Sangha Stream
Beginning March 24, Sugarplum Sangha will be streaming residential practice sessions for you join online. Email for details.

Morning Meditation: Mon - Sat, 7am - 8am
Evening Meditation: Mon - Thu, 8pm - 9pm
Afternoon Meditation: Sunday, 4pm - 6pm
CML Retreat
March 22 - 25
at the Mariposa Institute
This year's annual CML retreat is on the theme of Collective Awakening and will feature the usual beloved childrens' program. The organizing team will work on shifting online if required, but we are still hoping for an in person retreat at Mariposa. Registration will be available in one week.
Twenty One Day Retreat
The Sangha Body of the Buddha

June 7 - 28
at the Mariposa Institute
and online

The Sugarplum Sangha is excited to host our second bi-annual 21-Day retreat, paralleling with Plum Village. In addition to a daily schedule of sitting, walking, working, and eating meditation, dharma talks, and dharma sharing, we'll be offering online workshops facilitated by sanghas representing many aspects of the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism. Practitioners may enjoy the residential retreat for all three weeks, or just two or one.

Details and registration coming soon!
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