Scotland's Premier Sporting Agency

March supplementary newsletter - impact of COVID-19

It is unusual for us to publish a newsletter so soon after the release of the most recent one. However, we feel that it is incumbent upon us to let our clients and suppliers understand our thinking in relation to the impact of COVID 19.

The pace and scale of change feels daunting even frightening, but our mindset has been to focus on controlling the elements that we can control. Despite what might appear overwhelming difficulties there are steps that we can take to allow us to have some self-determination during this time.The first thing to say is that this is a financially sound operation. 

The business carries no net debt, minimal operating lease exposure and benefits from a loyal and flexible staff base who understand the need to accept adjustments now in order to secure the future.

It is no surprise that clients are cautious. Indeed, that euphemism rather understates the reality. Some have cancelled, some postponed, some have simply not booked.  We understand why. Where clients have asked us to do so we have liaised with suppliers to keep existing bookings live whilst not passing further client monies to said suppliers. There is an understanding throughout the supply chain that the usual terms of business cannot apply in the current environment.

That said there are things that we can do to give shoot owners and other members of the supply chain some support.  We are already hearing of sizable and important shoots that are planning to release no birds this year.  They are effectively shutting up shop for the upcoming season.  We completely understand this approach after all it is the case that business needs confidence to prosper.  And here we can all help.  We can postpone rather than cancel, we can leave bookings pencilled in “subject to circumstances” rather than postponing, and we can make firm enquiries about next year rather than just not booking.

Ultimately clients must make a judgement as to what is right for themselves and we make no comment regarding the correct course of action.  We do however observe that it is unrealistic to believe that the industry can effectively just take a year off without experiencing significant negative consequences. Drawing in one’s horns completely and then expecting a return to the “old normal” is to our mind overly optimistic.  So regardless of the decisions that clients arrive at we hope they will give some thought as to what they can do to engender that crucial confidence.

Meanwhile we will continue our work sourcing the finest opportunities in the sporting, accommodation and related arenas not just in Scotland but around the world.

Amidst so much uncertainty, you can be confident that when the time arrives, we will be here ready and waiting to look after your sporting hopes and desires.

To a Bright Future.


We look forward to you joining us for your next hunting adventure
Vernon P Waters
Global Hunting Experiences
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+ 44 (0) 1337 840600
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