Seeing COVID-19 cases rise globally, not attending school and staying away from friends can be tough. But it's also a great time to reflect, self-improve, and try something new! There are so many resources and companies dedicated to making your time in quarantine worth-while, so here are my top recommendations of things y’all should check out. Let’s get started!
Take a free online course!
It’s awesome learning a new skill for free! Recently I’ve taken Stock Investing and Digital Illustration courses and I’m super excited to continue learning! I’m giving a huge thanks to Brit + Co’s online classes (you should definitely try it!). Most of these courses come with videos and printouts, and there are different levels, including beginner, intermediate, and advanced. They’re super easy to follow and allow you to learn new skills from cake-decorating to blog photography. Also check out Class Central, they’re offering hundreds of ivy league courses that are currently free with lessons about computer science, marketing, film, and more! Pretty cool huh?
Did you know that there are over 20,000 species of bees? When it comes to honeybees. springtime is the most important time the of year. Let me fill you in on the buzz. After braving the winter cold and living off stored honey, bees are in need of a new springtime food supply and a push to increase their population. Spring brings the queen’s mating and egg production season to lay more drone and worker bee eggs. There are also more jobs being allocated to workers, including nursing, guarding the hive, building more wax, and regulating hive temperature. There are even workers whose jobs are to liquefy thick honey from the winter. Pretty cool, right? Once spring turns to summer, the bees have an abundance of food for the growing colony. As spring blooms, so does the exciting cycle of life for the honeybee hive.
Now that spring has sprung, the flowers are blooming and bees buzzing. If you have a little cabin fever like many of us these days, help grow your child's vocabulary while passing through these challenging times. Kids can complete the crossword puzzle below for words related to spring and bees!
Did you know that March 12th was National Plant a Flower Day! While planting flowers is a hobby for some, it’s also important for the bee population. Planting native flowers will help the bees find food sources after a long winter. Honeybees love sunflowers and honeysuckles, but did you know daffodils are an important nectar provider for the colony? So, think twice before plucking the weeds! Interested in what you should plant? Here's an amazing illustrated list of ideas! Also, you can visit our website to find the perfect bee-friendly gif. Yes! plantable pencils. They’re a fun gift and biodegradable so after you’re done writing, you can plant the seeds and feed the bees! Visit here for more details.
News You Might Have Missed
Closely following news about COVID-19? Well here are four unrelated stories you may have missed:
That’s right guys, just got better. We are offering free shipping. Not only does it mean you can have your goodies sent straight to your door, but now you don’t have to pay for shipping.