Hello wonderful <<First Name>>,
How are you feeling these days?

I can’t tell you how many messages, of all sorts,
mainly via email and whatsapp,

I’ve already received about the “situation”:
updates, spiritual, instructions, advice, meditations, practical, funny, worried…

I can only guess that you too.
So, let’s make it refreshing, fun and exciting:
First of all, I wanted to share with you the message I received,

When I asked:
What about the coronavirus?

Feeling that it creates so much separation, suspicion, hatred, even violence.
So much uncertainty and darkness.
And this is what was channeled for us:
Move into the light,
announce a love and peace situation.
It’s time to raise the vibrations into happiness and love =
strong vibrations, full of life power and health.
Take care of the fears, and emerge into the light,
into radiating infectious relaxing, simple, wise protection,
full of body and spirit wisdom,
which, through physical and mental empowerment,
will weaken the spread and bring liberation.
And by that, will widen the connection, the inspiration,
the strong bond between individual to individual,
and between individual to the world, to existence, to love.
Floating around, the environment was:
  1. Follow instructions and precautions
  2. Apply common sense
  3. Take care of fears and inner shadows
  4. Stay in the light
"Sounds great, but - How to...?"

I know, I totally hear you.

Let me give you some ideas on tomorrow’s email.
Now, let’s get a bit practical.
  1. How do I keep our healing space safe and healthy? – I follow the Ministry of Health instructions.
  2. It also means that we are going to reduce physical touch to minimum, just to be responsible.
  3. Which means that we’ll postpone all hands-on treatments, by two weeks for now.
And finally, get ready for the really great news - - - 



1. Skype sessions are now available!!

There is nothing like face to face.
It’s direct, flexible, allows multi-technique usage
and it just nice to be together.

However, if for any reason you feel (or instructed) this is not your time to travel around
and make it to our magical space,

just let me know and we will simply do the session over Skype.

All you'll have to do is to make sure the Skype software is installed,
and to follow my loving picky requirements...
a hands off device, a distraction-free environment...
Just a few things to make our time together as smooth and fruitful as possible.

Anyhow, be sure I’ll let you know beforehand (-:  
We will do the payment through e-transfer,
or simply by a real time credit card details transaction.


2. 20% Off all single sessions  <3 <3

Let's say, for now, until the end of March.

It's of course No Double Discount etc.,
But I want to make more affordable these cases
when you just need to speak to someone,
or make more sense of your situation
and put things in proportion,

and to be more available for that.


3. All available spots are open on the Online Booking System

Which means that you can simply and easily
start from here:

Book your spot online

And then:
  1. After clicking the above link, click on "book Your Visit Now" - big button at the bottom of that page
  2. Choose from the offered list a Welcome Session if this is your first time, or a Subsequent Visit 130min if this is a follow up
  3. Follow the directions on the Confirmation Email, if there are any
And we are all good to meet.
Take a good care!

Sending love and health,
See you,

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