

We would like to make our customers aware of a few changes to the way we are operating as the coronavirus situation continues to evolve.

Opening hours

We currently have no plans to change our opening hours, which are 9am to 5pm, 7 days a week. 

Kerbside pickup

To cater for people who are practicing social distancing, we are offering a kerbside pick up service. Simply give us a call, we'll take the payment over the phone, prepare your order and bring it out to your car. You can call us on 9822 3305, or 0414 753 883 between 9am and 5pm.


Yes, we can deliver your items. To assist our local community, we are reducing our delivery fee to a flat rate of $10. We can also deliver outside the local area, just call us and we will do a quote.

Growing edibles?

We have seen a surge in demand for edibles recently as people think about growing their own food. We are continuing to get regular stock of edibles from our suppliers.

If you would like to know what to plant in autumn, see our fact sheet.

Take care of yourselves

Research has proven that gardening is so good for our mental and physical health, and given the likelihood that we are all going to spend the next few months in our own homes, the ability to garden will be an important part of your wellbeing toolkit.

Here are some ways that you can use the healing powers of nature to make yourself feel better through these difficult times. 

Supporting our community

We are here for you. Our nursery is a beautiful open air space, you are welcome to come and wander around the plants and get away from it all for a while in a peaceful and tranquil setting.

Please stay safe and well everyone and let's get through this together with a sense of community spirit.

Gardening is one positive thing we can do to pass the time in self isolation. Autumn is one of the best seasons in the gardening calendar. Summer temperatures ease and plants begin to grow again. Autumn colour makes gardens come alive and edible gardens come into their peak productive period.

If you are not sure what jobs need doing now, you can read more in our autumn guide. If you need supplies, whether it's compost, fertilisers, seedlings, or plants, please give us a call on 0822 3305 or 0404 753 883 and we'll arrange to get you what you need.
Autumn gardening guide
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