19 March 2020

Health Consumers NSW current response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Dear individual HCNSW members,

We hope you are all keeping well and managing any disruptions to life and work brought on by the COVID-19 situation. Given how rapidly everything is developing, we wanted to let you know how we are currently handling the situation, how you can reach us and where to find some practical help and information.

Health Consumers NSW has decided to stop any face-to-face events until the end of April (at this stage) in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

We encourage all our health consumer representatives to not attend face-to-face committee meetings or other forums and events. We are suggesting to all our partners and stakeholders to explore other ways for health consumer representatives to participate in current consultations (eg. teleconference, videoconference, separate phone meetings...).

At this stage, all Health Consumers NSW staff are working from home and can be reached via email. You can also leave a message on our office phone (02) 8875-1082 and one of our staff members will call you back, as we can check the messages several times a day.

We are also working on moving our upcoming training and events online for the coming months. 

Obviously, this is a rapidly changing situation and things can and will change in the coming weeks and months. 

Where to find information

Central to an effective response to the virus is prompt and trustworthy information for all of us to understand and share.

Australia and NSW will deal with COVID-19 best if we all inform ourselves and act in the best health interests of ourselves, our family and our community.

We have put together a post on our website on where to find up-to-date and practical information. This is by no means an exhaustive list but we will collect any helpful information we come across here and update the post regularly.

These are uncertain and confusing times. Please take care of yourself, your neighbours, your community and follow the official guidelines on how to behave during this pandemic so, as a community, we can flatten the curve.

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