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Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei - Revi'i with Rashi

Today we continue learning how the Yidden are actually building the Mishkan, after Hashem’s instructions to Moshe Rabbeinu in Parshas Terumah and Tetzaveh, and after Moshe’s instructions to the Yidden at the beginning of Parshas Vayakhel.

Betzalel made the Mizbeiach Hanechoshes, the big Mizbeiach that was used for Korbanos.

He also made the Kiyor, used for the kohanim to wash their hands and feet before starting the Avodah. The Kiyor was made using the copper mirrors that the women brought!

Betzalel also made the curtains that hang around the Chatzer of the Mishkan.

Now we continue straight into Parshas Pekudei. (Whenever we have a double parsha, the aliyah of Revi’i connects both parshios.)

It was Moshe’s achrayus to make sure the Mishkan was built, and he gave different parts of that responsibility to different people:

The Leviim had to take care of the Mishkan, put it up and take it down, and take it with the Yidden when they traveled. Isamar, Aharon’s youngest son, would be in charge of this.

Betzalel was in charge of making the things for the Mishkan, and he had Ruach Hakodesh to do EXACTLY what Hashem wanted! Oholiav helped him.

The Torah tells us how much of each kind of material was given to the Mishkan — how much gold, how much silver, how much copper...

All of these things were used to build a Mishkan for Hashem.



106 - 107

Today’s kapitelach of Tehillim are Kuf-Vov and Kuf-Zayin.

Kapitel Kuf-Zayin starts with the words “Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov, Ki LeOlam Chasdo!” “Thank Hashem because He is good, His kindness is forever!”

The first word is “Hodu,” which means to thank. But it also means something else! Hodu also means to “admit.”

What are we admitting to?

Chassidus explains this. We know that Hashem is creating the world EVERY SECOND and is here EVERY MOMENT. But we don’t see it, especially during Golus! So we need to admit that it’s true anyway.

When Moshiach comes, we won’t have to admit it anymore — we will all be able to see it!



Likutei Amarim Perek Lamed-Vov

In the last perek, the Alter Rebbe told us that only when we do a mitzvah with maaseh, then we become a Mishkan for Hashem, and the Shechinah can rest even on our guf. This Mishkan will be complete when Moshiach comes, but the work to build it is what we do now in the time of Golus. In today’s Tanya we learn that we get the koach to make this happen from Matan Torah.

When Moshiach comes, we will all be able to SEE Hashem through the koach of the Torah!

At Matan Torah the Yidden got a taste of how we’ll be able to see Hashem when Moshiach comes!

What happened during Matan Torah? All of the Yidden were standing together, and everyone was able to realize that Hashem was giving the Torah straight to them. Because they were getting Torah, where Hashem isn’t hidden at all, every Yid could feel that “Ain Od Milvado,” nothing exists aside for Hashem! It was a taste of how it will be when Moshiach comes!

But after the Yidden did the Cheit Ha’egel, the Yidden and the world lost the aidelkeit that they had at the time of Matan Torah. It became much harder to recognize the existence of Hashem in the world.

Very soon, when Moshiach comes, we’ll be able to see Hashem again the way we saw Him by Matan Torah! And it won’t only be for Yidden. Yidden will be able to see Elokus because of the koach of Torah, where Hashem is revealed. Then, it will shine from the Yidden so that EVERYONE in the world will be able to recognize Hashem!

Since it already happened once, it gives us the koach to do what we need to do to make it happen again! But then, it was only for a short time. When Moshiach comes, it will stay this way forever!



Chof-Beis Adar

The Hayom Yom was written for a year where there were TWO Adars (a Shana Me’uberes). This year there is only ONE Adar (a Shanah Peshutah), so we learn BOTH Hayom Yoms every day!

Chof-Beis Adar Alef

The Rebbe Rashab writes in a maamar that even though the third seudah of Shabbos (Shalosh Seudos) is different that we don’t need to wash, we should still eat at least something.


The Alter Rebbe teaches that we need to be very careful about davening Mincha. Mincha is a very special Tefillah! Shacharis is before we start our day, and Maariv is when we finish the day. Mincha is right in the middle — we’re doing a lot of things, and STILL we stop to daven to Hashem!

Based on this, the Alter Rebbe explains a deeper meaning of what the Chachomim say about Mincha, “Leolam Yehei Adam Zahir” “a person should always be careful” with davening Mincha:

Leolam usually means “always,” but it also has the word “olam,” “world.” So we can explain this to mean that the Chachomim are teaching us about the Avodah of a Yid in the world:

Yehei Adam usually means that a person should be. But we can also translate it as, “be a person!” Be a person, who does what they know is right (Moach Shalit Al Halev).

Zahir usually means careful, but it can also mean “to shine” — meaning that the Ruchnius can shine into the Gashmius.

So the Avodah of a Yid in the world is to be a mentch, to be in control of our behavior, and make the Ruchnius shine into the Gashmius.

Where do we see this? In the avodah of davening Mincha!

When we are able to stop whatever important things we are doing in the middle of the day, and go to connect to Hashem in tefillah, that shows that we are doing our job in the world! We show that we have Moach Shalit Al Halev, and that the Ruchnius is more important to us than the Gashmius!

Chof-Beis Adar Sheini

In Parshas Shemini, we learn how Aharon bentched the Yidden with Birchas Kohanim. In today’s Hayom Yom, we learn what Chassidus explains about the Ruchinus meaning of Birchas Kohanim.

Were you ever in Shul during Birchas Kohanim? All of the children go under their father’s tallis, because we aren’t allowed to look at the Kohanim during the bracha. The kohanim already washed their hands and took off their shoes. They go to the front of the shul, turn around to face everyone, and pick up their hands, holding their fingers in a special way. They say a bracha saying that Hashem gave them a special mitzvah to give brachos to the Yidden. Then they bentch the Yidden with the words of Yevarechecha.

Without Chassidus, we might think that there are a bunch of different things happening. There are people listening, Kohanim giving a bracha, and a special tune!

But Chassidus tells us that it’s really all one thing! When the Kohanim give a bracha to the Yidden, we all come together.

We learn in Chassidus that for something to be whole, it has to have all ten Sefiros — the 10 different ways of connecting to Hashem. The Rebbe explains how each part of Birchas Kohanim are like certain Sefiros. When we have all of these together, we are all one whole group, connected to Hashem!

The Sefiros can be split into 3 groups: Mochin, Midos, and Malchus. (We learned about them in Tanya in the beginning of the year.) The bracha is Mochin, the kohanim picking up their hands is Midos, and the Yidden (who are called “Bnei Melachim — princes”) are Malchus. With all of them together, we have all 10 Sefirosshleimus!



Shiur #226 - Mitzvas Asei #98

Today’s mitzvah is the same as yesterday’s (Mitzvas Asei #98) — that we need to follow what the Torah teaches us about food and drink becoming Tomei.



Hilchos Tumas Ochlin

In today’s Rambam, we learn more about foods and drinks becoming Tomei:

Perek Zayin: The Rambam teaches us that when foods are joined together by a liquid, then all of it can become tomei at once. We also learn about a Tvul Yom — someone who went to the Mikvah during the day but needs to wait until night to become tahor.

Perek Ches: If a part of a food became tomei, sometimes not the whole thing becomes tomei. For example, if a piece was sticking out of a loaf of bread, sometimes it’s considered separate from the loaf, and only that part becomes tomei. We also learn more halachos about a Tvul Yom.

Perek Tes: What happens if a Tvul Yom was shaking a pot with wet Terumah vegetables, and then he sees his hands are wet, and isn’t sure if the pot splashed on his hand or he touched something inside of it? If he touched the food, he might have made it tomei! We learn the halachos in a case like this, and many other cases.



Hilchos Malveh VeLoveh - Perek Chof-Beis

In today’s Rambam, we learn about how the Beis Din collects money from someone who didn’t pay on time. We sometimes give the person more time to pay, but if he still doesn’t, the Beis Din writes an “adrachta.” With an adrachta, the person who lent the money is allowed to take away property from the person who borrowed the money, in order to pay back the loan.



Leben Mit Der Tzeit

In this week’s parsha, we learn how the Mishkan was actually built! Before we learned about how Hashem told Moshe to build it, but only in this parsha will it finally be built. Hashem told the Yidden to use their chochmah to do it in the best way, and they did!

For example, when the talented women wove the goat wool, they spun it while it was still growing on the goats! Doing it this way made the wool spin better and be extra soft.

This teaches us an incredible lesson in how to build our own Mishkan, the Ruchniyus Mishkan in every single Yid, and will help us get ready for building the third Beis Hamikdash, with Moshiach!

If Hashem gives us a special talent, it is not just to use for ourselves. Hashem expects us to use our kochos and our understanding to make our Mishkan even nicer! We should use these talents to strengthen Yiddishkeit, and get the world ready for the Beis Hamikdash Hashlishi!

Likutei Sichos chelek Tes-Zayin, sicha for Vayakhel-Pekudei


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Shemoneh Esrei on Friday Night

Shemoneh Esrei on Shabbos and Yom Tov has much fewer brachos than on a weekday! First we say 3 brachos praising Hashem, one bracha about the special day, and 3 brachos thanking Hashem.

The middle bracha of Shemoneh Esrei on Friday night has four paragraphs:

1) Ata Kidashta — We say that Hashem makes Shabbos holy.

2) Vayechulu — These are the words of the Torah that say how Hashem makes Shabbos holy.

3) Yismechu — We speak about how Yidden celebrate Shabbos!

4) Elokeinu — We ask Hashem to give us brachos in honor of the special day of Shabbos.



Pesach Hiddurim

Eating even one drop of chometz on Pesach is a very serious aveira. Because of this, we are extra careful when it comes to Pesach, adding extra hiddurim so that we won’t chas veshalom eat chometz accidentally.

Here are some things that Chabad is careful with on Pesach:

1) We don’t eat machine made matzah on Pesach. We don’t give it to children either.

2) We are very careful not to eat gebrokts, matzah that gets wet. We are worried that there might have been a drop of flour in the matzah that wasn’t fully mixed into the dough, and if it gets wet now, it could become chometz.

Before we pour a drink or put food on a plate, we first check to make sure that there are no crumbs of matzah.

Many families have figured out ways to keep the matzah away from food or drink. For example, some people eat the matzah only inside of a bag, so the crumbs won’t fly all over the place. Then they take the bags off the table before bringing out the rest of the food.

See Halachos Uminhagei Chabad p. 182

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



When We Least Expect It

The Gemara in Sanhedrin says that Moshiach will come “Behesech Hadaas,” which means when we don’t think about it or when we don’t expect it.

But we need to be thinking about Moshiach all the time! In davening, we say “Lishuascha Kivinu Kol Hayom,” “We hope that Hashem will save us all day!”

One explanation is that Moshiach will come at a time when we think it really doesn’t make sense. Like when we compare our generation to the tzadikim of many years ago, we might think that Moshiach can’t come now!

But ESPECIALLY now, when we might think that our dor really doesn’t deserve for Moshiach to come — this is the BEST time for Moshiach to come, Behesech Hadaas — when we expect it least!

See Likutei Sichos vol. 10, p. 172

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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