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Revive40 Coaches

COACHES!! You and I have been prepared for a time such as this! This is an opportunity to guide men though a time of uncertainty and teach them that we have a GOD who is in control in spite of what you may think, what you feel, or what you see. We are called to live by FAITH! We are to trust in the Lord with ALL of our hearts and lean NOT on our own understanding! What a crazy time!

LORD, we pray that you would draw people to you for salvation at this time that have not yet put their trust in you. I pray for our groups and that the relationships would grow deeper than ever before and that men would learn to walk in power through faith in the risen Christ. Jesus, You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life! You are LIFE! AMEN

As far as our groups are concerned, this is a great time to invite guys back that have disappeared…a call for unity to fight the good fight! Encourage everyone to attend! We have had the largest surge in our ministry’s history of over 20 years in the last month! We want to come out of this time stronger, more united, and have a greater desire as a group to fight for men’s purity!

I trust in you, Coaches, to not make this just a social time but a time to pray for one another and break strongholds. The TRUTH is what sets you FREE!!


We will take a break from the Conquer Series until we return to our regular locations. You will find the weekly DEVO online for you to download at We are going to reflect on the PSALMS in this time of need for some comfort during the next several weeks.

  • Start the group with prayer or worship.
  • Next, ask each man to respond to the “2” questions below before breaking into your individual check-ins. Tell each guy you want them to participate.
  • Do regular check-ins with the card. Go a little deeper since you will have more time without a teaching.
  • Pray over men that may have special needs!! Love on your men!


  1. What is God trying to teach you right now about being a man of God in your marriage, or if single, about being a husband in the future?
  2. Have you had full disclosure with your wife or someone else if not married?


All for His Glory!
Questions call Steve @ 602-570-5779


God’s servants said, ’Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The Lord will reply to YOU…  ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for ME.’
Matthew 37-40


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