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Dear BHS Parents, Guardians, and Caretakers,

We have gotten lots of emails from many of you raising legitimate and shared concerns about the perceived lack of communication and planning around ongoing learning at BHS.  We, and I would venture to say everyone from the Administration to the teachers to most (maybe not all?) of our kids feel similarly.  We wish we could say we have the answer, but we don't.  What we an say, without a doubt, is that there is a lot of work and discussion going on between teachers, administrators, the school committee, the union, etc. on how to do things equitably and appropriately.  And some things truly might not able to be done in an equitable manner, and hard decisions will have to be made as to whether helping some of our students when others cannot access such help is fair and appropriate. 

This is all to state the obvious - none of this is easy.  Private schools have it much easier, for sure, and some other public school systems might be making decisions that in retrospect will feel inequitable and troubling.  This is not to say that the BHS PTO is advocating in any way for any particular outcome.  We do, however, want to suggest that we allow our educators, who we KNOW care so much for our children's well being, work to figure this out. 

Since we began writing this, the dam has broken a little and individual teachers have begun to reach out to students, just to make some connection and let them know they are still here and still caring and more will be coming from them and the school system.  It's not enough yet, but it's a start.  And while they will be different from teacher to teacher, the ones we have seen so far have been wonderful and warm.  This is so appreciated!  That being said, the schools have asked that you not reach out to teachers on an individual basis to ask what the plan is for education going forward - this needs to be a system answer, and we should not be putting teachers in an awkward position.  

This unprecedented event is effecting every single student in America and beyond. We have no doubt that schools and colleges will take into account what has happened this semester and will figure out how to incorporate it into expectations and requirements when the time is right. For now, we have to get through it as best we can, and know that no one is sitting back and relaxing, but are actively trying to figure out how best, and equitably, to move forward for all of our students. 

All the best, and stay safe, 

BHS PTO Co-Presidents, 
Josh Abrams, Jennifer Hunt, Raana Mumtaz & Jamie Glanton Costello

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