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Bay recently had the privilege of bringing the gospel at his Uncle John's memorial service in Winslow, AZ! The title of his message was: Lessons Learned from a Godly Cowboy...and believe me, those lessons were many! He and his brothers sang an unusual rendition of Amazing Grace that Uncle John would have loved as we celebrated his life. Here's the link if you're curious: Vimeo of the Forrest "boys" singing Amazing Grace.

FOCUS...In a World with CoronaVirus

So much has changed in our crazy world since last we wrote. Who'd have thought we'd find ourselves "quarantined" and cancelling ministry events because of a virus? But, we are taking this seriously, and listening to what our governing leaders recommend. After all, the Lord puts those who are in authority in the position for "such a time as this (Romans 13:1-2)."  While we may be disappointed at the way the coronavirus is affecting our ministry, we believe with all our hearts, that God hasn't left His throne, and is definitely not hitting his head, saying, "What is going on down there?"  So, instead of dwelling on the loss, we are looking at ways to "dance upon disappointment" and look for alternatives for ministry.  

With that said, we just returned from Kansas, where we had three out of five days of ministry, before church got cancelled for safety's sake. We kept saying, the Lord knew...  He has always been boss of our schedule and while many churches, where we might have gone to speak, would already have been cancelled, First Baptist in Ness City was still meeting! Bay and I had an incredible time sharing with the precious people in this congregation, and, surprisingly, every single service far out-numbered our expectations! Only God! Not only that, but He moved in a HUGE way, and on Monday night, the last night we gathered together, we saw Jesus move in hearts, and somewhere between 10 and 15 new followers of Jesus enter the Kingdom, because this church determined to live fearless in the midst of a world over-wrought with fear! 

However, as we look ahead, Peg's Romania trip has already been cancelled (from April 18-May 1). They are all prayerfully considering the possibility of an "online retreat" where she would still teach via the internet and live streaming. The Easter services where we are scheduled are in a "holding pattern" to see what happens over the next couple of weeks; as is a May event where Peg is to speak in Pennsylvania. Even summer events are notifying us of possible delays and potential shut downs, depending. So, with that said, we will still continue to serve in FOCUS, but are prayerfully seeking how does this look right now, in a world with coronavirus???  Join us in that prayer, please! 

BUT... the one thing, we can assure you, is we are still called to serve Jesus for the Kingdom and this will not stop! It may look different, but it will not change in FOCUS!

Peg sharing at a women's brunch, Bay speaking on Monday night...and the raw beauty of the Plains States... Even amidst a pandemic, we love the good ole USA from sea to shining sea! 
Copyright © 2020 FOCUS Ministries, All rights reserved.

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