Communications from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources' Coastal Management Program
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IDNR Coastal Management Program 

A message to our Partners and Stakeholders:

During these unprecedented times, the health and safety of our staff and all the citizens of the State of Illinois is our primary concern.  We are changing our operations under these circumstances to minimize opportunities for spread of COVID-19.

To this end, IDNR’s Coastal Management team is working remotely instead of at our normal office in downtown Chicago.  Our staff are still hard at work doing what we can to maintain and protect coastal habitats, the coastal economy and recreation, and provide assistance to our coastal communities.  Obviously, circumstances related to COVID-19 are changing and we will continue to be guided by IDNR and State of Illinois directives. 

Our staff can still be reached easily by email to either individual staff members (staff directory can be found here) or through our general email at Email is, by far, the best way to reach us. If you do reach out to our office phone numbers and leave a message, we can call you back or provide information through email.  However, if you need immediate attention, you can reach Diane Tecic at 773-951-6200.

During this time of extra stress and concern our team wishes you peace and grace.  We thank you for being our partners, friends, and stakeholders and we value our relationships with you.

Please stay safe and healthy.
The Coastal Management Team
The IDNR Coastal Management Program is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the environmental, economic, and social value of Illinois’ Great Lakes coast. We invest in building healthy ecosystems and resilient communities by providing expertise, funding, and other resources for community-driven and forward-thinking efforts within our Lake Michigan coastal region.
Copyright © 2020 Illinois Department of Natural Resources' Coastal Management Program, All rights reserved.

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