
Lutz Prep K-8 Virtual Learning Plan Outline
Effective March 23rd, 2020

Governor Ron DeSantis has ordered all schools in Florida to be closed until April 15, 2020, due to concerns about coronavirus. 

Beginning March 23, 2020, teachers at Lutz Preparatory will be working from home to help implement our virtual learning plan to support school closure with focus dedicated to the least amount of interruption to the learning environment as possible.

I. Teacher Expectations
  1. Post all assignments and links on Edsby to include reminders how to access information online (lessons will vary based on grade levels)
  2. Provide parents with tentative calendar/schedule for e-learning that incorporates state standards and be accessible via email to all parents
  3. Work as a grade level team to plan (as well as departmentalized teams when able)
  4. Continue to utilize current resources with families (ex. Remind 101, Class dojo, IXL, etc.) and incorporate new resources when possible such as Zoom accounts, YouTube, etc. for teachers to video conference with students in small sessions
  5. Entering grades in grade book weekly
  6. Provide information on additional educational resources as they come available
II. Administration Expectations
  1. Communicate and ensure the Virtual Learning Plan is being implemented with fidelity
  2. Support communications with teachers pertaining to grade books and schedule/calendars
  3. Be accessible to troubleshoot concerns, questions, and needs from staff and families as they arise during the school day
  4. Maintain open and frequent communication of information as it comes through from the State and County
III. Student Expectations and Parent Information
  1. Students will complete lessons and assignments provided by the teacher through Edsby (and other resources assigned by grade level as applicable)
    1. i-Ready Instruction assigned by grade level or MTSS Resource Teacher
    2. Information on 60 days of free internet access from Spectrum for students impacted by school closures (see link -
    3. Information on accommodations for students with limited use of technology resources and printing  (Used/limited technology devices are available for check-out based on need; please refer back to surveymonkey sent by
    4. Recommendations for students to have 30-60 minutes of daily outside play for PE and recess time
    5. Grading will be provided for students for work assigned and iReady lessons completed
  2. Reminder to our families of the reason behind school closures as a means to reduce interactions in order to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. We ask parents to please be mindful of the purpose behind school closures and our initiatives to keep students learning from home while we all self-quarantine and take this time to disinfect our school following the CDC guidelines.
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