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THURSDAY  •  MARCH 26, 2020
sleep mantra
via Pinterest
"What are we even doing here if we're not flaunting it?"
~ Mindy Kaling
tonight's pick-me-ups

Things we're doing to unwind and get cozy before bed tonight: 

🥳 Partying it up. Thanks to video conferencing, we still have ample ways to gather the crew. Here's how to host a virtual dinner party with the added bonus that everyone makes the meal they want.

🧩 Getting Jiggy with it. Rethink that jigsaw puzzle of puppies you impulsively bought for
these ~beautiful~ ones designed by female artists instead. FYI they even come with puzzle glue so you can admire them for ever.

🏞️ Exploring the great outdoors, safely from the couch.
Five national parks offer virtual tours so you can still appreciate the beauty of nature in Spring. Our favorites: Bryce Canyon in Utah and the Hawai'i Volcanoes.

💤 Snoozing on the job. Now that we're doing everything online, it's not surprising that the adjustment can be hard on our bodies, especially for sleep time.
Help your body and mind sleep more soundly, such as meditating and bedtime playlists.
mood: compotevia Pinterest
bedtime stories

Reads when you're up late anyway. Here are tonight's round-up for every occasion:

 CAREER  For when you may have missed a Zoom meeting or two ~ Join us in failing hilariously at working from home (or if need a good laugh). "Many of us are quarantined in too-small spaces, often with our children, hopping on Zoom meetings like everything is business as usual. And it kind of is, until your kid inevitably runs into the room, cutting off your boss mid-sentence, shouting, 'Poo poo!' Work culture will need to adjust to the new normal, in which toddlers and flatulent dogs are our coworkers. It inevitably will. But until then, here are some of the worst work-from-home fails we’ve seen in the past week. They prove that, however rough your work-from-home experience has been, it could have been a lot worse."

 RELATIONSHIPS  For when you're spending too much time together ~ Forget everything learned from The Notebook and identify your love style (bonus: try doing it with your partner as a *cute* quarantine activity). "The way you define love might be preventing you from finding the right person (if that’s what you’re looking for. If you’re loving single life, you go girl!) ... Your love style shows you how 'love' is different to you than potential partners you might be dating. Is the way you think of love holding you back from actually finding it? Do you have unrealistic expectations or unhelpful anxieties around relationships that come from what you think love should be? Use the insights about your love style to determine what would really make you happy, while finding the ways your love style might be holding you back in your love life."

 CULTURE  For when there's no need to send back the wedding gifts ~ Live-streamed weddings work, according to this couple that quickly changed their plans to accommodate a Zoom wedding. "Planning a wedding is a lot — even a non-traditional wedding that’s not going to have all the things. We had this colorful, huge idea — the clothing direction for the event was 'Wear your brightest clothes, that lime-green dress you never get to take for a spin, now’s the time, purple suede shoes, yes! All the stripes, all the dots, all the plaids.' We wanted it to be super-bright and fun and happy — and the Coronavirus is the opposite of super-bright and fun and happy. So, ultimately, at the last minute, we decided to have a Zoom link ... The people who attended in person had done their own risk calculation, and the people who attended via Zoom had also done their risk calculation — and came out with the opposite answer. But they all decided to attend. I can’t say anybody made a right or wrong decision — but I can say that having Zoom did really help people be present. I never thought I’d be sentimental about a Zoom meeting, but it’s meaningful to see a person’s face."

 LIFESTYLE  For when you can only walk your dog so many times during the day ~ There are plenty more ways to feel good while at home. Sometimes, it's the little rituals that can make all the difference. "Cancelling plans to stay in and watch Love Is Blind while inhaling popcorn is pure pleasure. Social distancing, sheltering in place, and generally avoiding the outside world is, well, not ... I’ve been finding the most joy by doing things with my hands: making elaborate pancake breakfasts, creating to-do lists with Bright Ideas metallic colored pencils, filling out my U.S. Census form, perfecting my chess game, and of course, tinkering with new blends of tea that we can roll out when this is all over."
sounds for sweet dreams
Jhené Aiko ~ Born Tired
last stop to dreamland

An at-home spa day cookbook for skin, body, and hair, all courtesy of Into the Gloss. Sneak peek: a hair mask for more shine. Ingredients: olive oil, egg, water, lavender essential oil, and lemon. Directions: mix, apply from root to tip, rinse, and have a good hair day.
☁️🌛 Goodnight and go tuck yourself ☁️

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