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What PKB users have achieved against

COVID-19 as of 20th March

Dear PKB Community,

I wanted to give you an update of what is happening across our customer sites with some concrete actions you can take with your own teams:

  1. University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS FT has switched on email addresses for its HL7 feed so that new patients being treated receive an email invitation using addresses from the Spine. This gives patients access to test results before and without coming into hospital.
  2. Swansea Bay University Health Board are switching patient cohorts to remote management with patients already registered to access test results through PKB’s online consultations.
  3. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS FT is completing testing of its kiosks with InTouch to replicate the in-clinic kiosk protocols of Imperial hospital.
  4. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS FT and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust are configuring more wide-scale invitations using email, SMS numbers they had previously collected from patients.
  5. Connected Nottinghamshire is finalising registration protocols using the NHS App and NHS login integration which is going live later this month.

A supporting site has been produced for any customers that want to roll out at pace and/ or scale which can be found here. If you would like to set up one or more of these protocols in your hospital please contact your success team member. All these measures are about keeping patients out of hospitals while allowing safe remote care.

A reminder that PKB’s team is available to support your new remote working practices. We have been working remotely as a team since 2008, so we have many tools and practices already we are happy to share with customers. It is easy for us to set up conference calls, screen sharing, project trackers and shared protocols for your roll-out. We understand health care staff are stretched and our team are committed to fitting around your schedules.

For patients, the time for active self-management is now. And, as you read this, thousands of patients are being invited to register for their PKB account every day. This means mass registrations with emails, letters, SMS and check-in kiosks. Self-management tools like symptom tracking, device integrations, health journal, and access to care plans and a library of information and guidance, can help patients in self-isolation determine if symptoms become a cause for concern, and when to seek help.  

We need to work together to mobilise the public, and securely share access to clinical information. Safe clinical care means easy access to details of any health conditions, allergies, medications, test results, care plans and attendances. These simple but important things can empower patients and drastically help to relieve pressure on our frontline staff. In all my years of working and also as patient myself, I believe this has never been more imperative than now. 

We value your support – and we strive to strengthen our health care team as we face these challenges together. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Additionally, if you are aware of other ways in which we can help others with our software and services, please let us know by contacting our support team.

Stay healthy and safe,

Mohammad Al-Ubaydli
CEO of Patients Know Best


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